William Rainey Harper College Top Questions

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It is a smaller community college that really focuses on helping the srudents attending. It is close to home and has many good programs attachted to it.


My school is a community college, but is better kept than most universities. I believe the resources that were available to us were just as good if not better than many universities. This school was a great step toward the future and toward bettering my life.


Harper College was not one of my choices, but one thing I have noticed that is very unique and impressive is that the faculty, most of the time, is very helpful. When the professors realize you take their class seriously, they help you out more often. The staff at the school is very helpful at answering and addressing questions and concerns I might have.


I am not so sure that my school is paricularly unique. I guess you could say all community colleges are unique when compared to universities simply because of the diverse makeup of the student body, and the reasons for why all of the students have decided to attend. The one thing that makes my school stand out is that it is recognized as one of the top ten community colleges in North America. When I got out of highschool this was the only school I considered because I am financially responsible for all of my higher education.


It is small yet houses tone of majors.


Compared to other universities I considered, Harper College is way cheaper and the classes are smaller.