Wichita State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Wichita State University know before they start?


Twenty-one years old seems far too young to be giving this kind of advice, but I can share my personal experience. The thing that was the most important to me when considering colleges was that I didn't want to go into debt. I am debt free. There are three reasons for this: living at home, attending a community college to obtain prerequisites, and attending a nearby state institution. My parents have helped pay for my education when I was not able to do so on my own. I realize that this doesn't work for a LOT of students, BUT if I was going to share anything with parents and students it would be this. The best education in the world is not worth going into debt over. It's like starting life with strikes against you. In today's world it seems impossible to do, but it's not. I'm doing it. The purpose of college is not to discover yourself (that is what LIFE is for), but to equip you for a carreer. If you are unsure about what you want to do WAIT! College will always be there when YOU are ready for it!


Always go with what your heart says. Try not to worry about money. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and you need to make the best out of it.


Research! Just because a university offers a particular major does not mean it is the best or only university for you or your child. Take the time to go on a campus tour, ask students about their experiences at the university, check out online reviews of the university. Don't be afraid to ask tough questions, this is yours or your child's future. Remember that college is not about the name or prestige of a university, but about laying the foundation of your future. Your goal is to get the best education for your money, not a fancy piece of paper with the name of some fancy college pasted all over it. Research, take your time, and choose wisely. Making the most of your college experience requires alot of hard work. and disapline. College is not the same as highschool and the impact on your future is serious. Attend the oreientation offered by the university you choose, take time and stress management seminars, they offer great advice. Have fun and meet new people, but never forget why you are there... for a bright future, doing something you love, and being the best at whay you do.


I would say, just go to the one you like, dosen't matter if its the biggest school in your area or not. Choosing a school would be one of the biggest decision in your life. Make sure you are going where you have always wanted to go, because you will do good in your studies too because your heart will be set at that school. Try you best to look for the schools as early as you can because it will take up some time. Go talk to the advisors and the financial aid advisors. Take the advantage of all the opportunities that come by because once they are gone they are hard to come by. Get involved in extra activities. Just keep a possitive thought, be nice to everyone and try your best because even if at the end you fail for some reason, you will know in your heart that you tried your best. Be open minded, it 's a big world filled with good and nice people. Be strong and be Positive.


My advice in choosing the right college is to choose the college you feel most comfortable at. Once I visited Wichita State University, I knew right away that I would love it. Everyone there is very helpful and friendly, students and faculty. Pick the school that "fits." Dont settle for just any college. Pick the one where you feel you will look forward to going to class. My other piece of advice is to be as involved as you can. You will meet so many new people and make so many new friends. By doing so, your chances of walking in to class on the first day and not know anyone is slim to none. These are the best years of your live. Being involved on your campus will allow you to truely make the most of your college experience.


When you visit a college, find the one that feels the most comfortable to you. I knew right away that Wichita State University was where I was supposed to be. Go to a college where you can talk to the staff like they are people. Find advisors that are willing to help you succeed. Make the most of the college experience by living on campus and getting involved. Be sure to make friends in all of your classes so you can work together in school or just be friends. It is very important to make friends!


Look for a college that is going to bring out the best in you. Don't find a place just to learn, find a place that will help you LIVE.


Converse with a variety of students and faculty. Besides gathering a feeling for the everyday campus experience, ask about any special programs, facilities, networks, or opportunities that the university might provide. Keep focused on what you wish to glean from your college experience and evaluate your choices thus. Finally, should you find yourself faltering or leaning in another direction, conduct a self-assessment and listen to your instincts. Don't be afraid to switch majors or schools mid-way! : the time you spend delaying your decision is time lost.


Take campus tours; attend the college you feel most comfortable at.


Do not just go my the amount of a scholarship that a university gives you but take into account how much the university costs too. Decide by the ratio of scholarship/costs