Wheaton is not as ethnically diverse as I would like it to be, but it is trying and it is better than many schools. The economic background of students is fairly diverse, not everyone is from the subrubs and many need financial aid, and the Wheaton is cheap for its level of academics. The school is not cliquish at all. Different people can hang out together, but obviously certain groups tend to hang out together, like sports teams.
Students are poltically active and vocal. Most are on the conservative side of the political spectrum, but there are plenty of democrats as well as republicans. Students, rarely talk about finances and how much they plan on earning one day. Our end goal is much more focused on doing something we love or where God wants us to be.
You have to come and see!!!! The floor is full of your future best friends belive me. Wheaton's housing for juniors and seniors is apartment style offering freeedom and privacy while connection to the community through events and worship.
The student body of Wheaton is fairly laid-back. I think there aren't really "four tables of students in the dining hall" because everybody seems to integrate with everyone else very well. The only type of student that would feel out of place is one who is not an evangelical Christian, since Wheaton focuses on that aspect- the integration of faith and learning.
People don't really care what you wear to class or your socio-economic status. The campus is predominantly political right, but I am liberal and feel quite at home- people respect others' views.
Balanced politically. Generally wealthy. Not as concerned with careers as callings. A good group.
Wheaton students are from all over the place. Very diverse especially for a small school. Like I've said, the students at Wheaton are all Christian. There are a decent amount of nerdy kids/weird homeschooled kids at Wheaton who've been trapped inside there high-school youth group bubble and have no idea whats going on in life, they are just weird nerds who I have trouble interacting with. The athletes are all similar and tend to be the more 'norma' people. The footblal team has the reputation of being the loud obnoxious ppl on campus which is somewhat true. Also, we (football team) are always together so ppl think we are very exclusive.
Not too much diversity, which is unfortunate, but people still love to talk about diversity. Overall in the student body I would say there's a big trend towards caring for social justice and international issues, alot of people are interested in these. There are definitely different groups: preps, jocks, football team (separate from other athletes), the HNGR students, and the underground partyers... probably there are others I can't think of right now.
Overachieving, evangelical Christians who obsess about being ridiculously in shape.
I think students at Wheaton are generally thought of as being white, middle-class, put-together (clothes wise), and smart, but people are actually pretty varied. You can always find someone with similar interests or backgrounds to hang out with, whether that is from a racial standpoint, or from interests in certain causes/sports/passions.
Financially, students are all over the place. Some kids really struggle financially, and others are from wealthy families. I don't think that is a hugely noticable issue at Wheaton.
Most students are kind of aware about politics, but you can always find those few who are super outspoken and opinionated. Honestly, there are some really conservative people and some pretty liberal people as well. You can find someone who agrees with you.
C'mon guys, loosen up a little. You're great people, but you have to learn to relax.
Wheat strives to promote diversity on its campus; however, it fails miserably at it. Instead, there seems to be a sort of inherent racist quality to the admissions process due to the obvious catering the administration does to applications of non-causcasion ethnicity. Due to the high cost of tuition and the virtual non-exisitence of financial aid there is a large percentage of Wheaton's student population that comes from wealthy families. Lastly, there is not a presence of LGBT on campus due to the strong religious affiliations of the school.