Western Wyoming Community College Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would've known more about the teachers and classes so that I could've planned my classes with more care. I also wish I had taken classes from teachers that I knew were the best fit for me so that I could've gotten the most out of every class. I also wish I would've known how much fun I was going to have so that I would have been more excited!


I wish I had known more about the campus itself, where things were and what there was to do (ex: bookstore hours, swimming pool hours, gameroom hours, etc.). I also wish I had known more about financial aid and what my options were.


I wish I had known how great a school Western is. They have a lot to offer and the teachers really make success something that anyone can achieve. If I would have known this, I would have started college sooner. I also wish I had known how windy it is here. I would have brought better clothes.