Western Washington University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known more about the professors, or known how to do some research about them. I didn't have a very good advisor on my advising day and didn't know who else to talk to after classes had started. There are resources available, but sometimes the information on how to access those resources is confusing. In general, there are people to point you in the right direction, so you have to be your own best advocate and keep asking questions until you get the answer that you need.


I wished I had known what I wanted my major to be when I first got to WWU so I could complete my degree in four years, not five. However, on second thought I think I don't mind in the long run. I was able to do some searching and trying new things along the way. :)


That I should have taken Chem 121 my first quarter.


Older students don't hate freshmen, they want to welcome them to the campus and help them join clubs and activities. I spent most of my first week at Western being terrified of anything outside of my room, I wouldn't want anyone else to start college off like that because they had preconcieved notions that were so incorrect.


I would have liked to know more about all of the prerequisite classes that are required so I would have been able to get more of those out of the way from the get go.


Nothing it is a very easy school to get use too.