Western Michigan University Top Questions

Describe the students at Western Michigan University.


My classmates are very helpful, they want to succeed just as much as you do, so everyone tries to help out each other by creating study groups.


NIce eays to talk to and get along with and foused.


My classmates are diverese unique individuals who appreciate the individuality and opinions of each other.


My classmates are very intelligent as they are friendly.


My classmates are people from every different types of families there are. Western Michigan University represents different cultures, people with different sexual orientation, of cousre different personalities and differient interest, the list could go on. My classmates are good people we are willing to help each other out and encouage each other in rough times, because the class size is realativly small we are able to do that.


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Just like every school, some are idoits, but most are good people who put an effort into learning but don't take everything too seriously. Most don't take western too seriously and almost everyone fails out at first. But it's easy to get back in!


I haven't had any experiences with groups on campus yet and I don't have a good idea of the student body yet. Everyone that I have interacted with seems nice and I have not had any problems yet.


everyone is fairly friendly at wmu. campus is pretty diverse and i haven't had any real issues in terms of interaction with students.


I think we have good racial groups. I am apart of NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers) and I feel like we really help the school. I am also apart of CBC (Collegiate Black and Christian). There are more black greek organizations which are coming back and YBM (Young Black Males) aka YBMSN (Young Black Male Support Network) is really good on getting younger students hooked-up with older students. Their sister chapter YBBW (You Beautiful Black Woman) is a good one also. With the start of the BSU (Black Student Union) I hope this unites all the black student groups, which is their main focus. I think all students can find their niche at WMU I think students wear basically what most students wear. Some try to look good and impress everyone, some people really don't care and will wear a hoody and jeans everyday. Most students from WMU are from Michigan, mainly the east part of the state Middle-class, upper-class Students may be on the below average on their political awareness I don't hear too much discussion on how much they will make, until senior year when you get offers. Then you might discuss with your friends and classmates what your offer is and compare with theirs.