Western Kentucky University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known how helpful AP classes are in high school to prepare you for college, they also give you a fantastic head start. I also wish my high school had prepared me for taxes, budgets, and loans more than they had.


School wasnt going to be easy


I wish I had known that although they said that it is easy to get scholarships, in reality it is highly-competitive and cut-throat to receive money from this university. Also, I wish I had known that almost every weekend, most students go home so the campus is somehwat dead. I have adjusted to the lack of business during the weekend, but it was not what I had expected.


I wish I had known to apply super early for the school scholarships; I probably could have gotten more money. I also wish I had known more about the possibility of working on campus while I went to school so I could have off-set some of the costs. Finally, I wish I had known more about what kind of jobs (or lack thereof) my degree choice would get me. I chose a degree that does not have a lot of career options and if I had known that, I might have chosen a different degree.


If I could go back in time to my high school self, I would say that you can’t go back in time, and to live knowing that. Every day you spend in school and every weekend you spend wishing you didn’t have to go back on Monday morning are days that you won’t get again. I mean, sure college is great, and there’s not harm in looking forward to it. There is harm, though, in living in the future.


I wish I had known a little bit more about the Honors College and the advantages of being apart of it. The Honors College is for students with a high GPA and well rounded with leadership, extra curricular activities, and volunteer work. It allows you to take harder classes to challenge yourself and also smaller to provide more personal time with professors. The College also opens the door to research opportunities and the possibility to study abroad in your undergraduate school.


That college is so much fun even with tons of homework,studying, projects, important most of the time 4 exams and finals!


I wish I had known that it is very difficult to find a parking spot. It seems like they don't have enough parkings spots for the students (I'm sure they do but it's just very difficult to find a spot).


How many resources they have, I was not aware of how many people will go out of their way to help you.


I wish I would've known more about the honors college.