Dont go to community college first. Go straight for your bachealors degree. They said that it would only take you two years and then you would have an associates in nursing, but the pre-requistites take you about two years to do. In the end you do for years and end up with your associates. Do as much as you can, and work hard. Even though you are attending a community college doesnt mean the classes are easier. Also get more advice from school counselers. Learn more about bachelor vs. associates like they told you about. Dont let a couple bad grades bring you down. Let those grades make you work harder to get better ones. Above all, work for your goal, and dont forget that you have a passion for what you want to be, and dont let anything stop you from achieving your goal of becoming a nurse.
The advice I would give myself now would be to be more aggressive applying for scholarships. I would also advise to take more AP classes. I took two my senior. The credits I got helped, but I think it would have benefited me more to take more of them. One last piece of advice I would tell myself would be to study harder. In my senior year, I slacked off a little. I did not study asmuch as a could have. There's so much reading and studying going on for my classes in college, I regret not practicing that during my senior year.
The advice I would of given myself would be to work harder in high school and to take more of an interest in going to college. The choice where you go really matters and can change your experience. I would have told myself you should apply to Western Connecticut State University don't make John Jay College your first choice . I thought I would be happy at John Jay but the commute is tiresome, its hard to make friends since you don't live near NYC, and I felt like I missed out on experiences that my friends were having like dorm life and being away from home, meeting new people, and commuting from John Jay made it hard to find a job. WCSU has so much for you to try and to get involved in like the Women's Rugby team, sports, and clubs. This university will really help you take your next steps to growing up because you would learn to work hard, take responsibility, make new friends, and become independant Also I would consider looking into the major of social work since I know how much we enjoy working with children.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing what I know now, I would tell myself to relax and to rethink my major. Before I graduated, I had the idea that I needed to know what I was going to do with my life before I graduated from high school. When I was half way through college, I learned that being a social work major was not for me, but also that I had made the wrong decision in thinking that I had to choose my major before going to college. I learned my true passion was in reading and writing, and that I would find this in being an English Literature major. I also learned that I needed to relax. I constantly overreacted over papers and projects, especially thinking that I had to be a perfectionist. I finally realized that I could do well, and I did not need to be perfect. As a high school senior, knowing this idea would have helped me do better in college overall. It took me until my last year of college to realize that no one is perfect no matter what they do.
If I could go back and talk to myself I would tell myself to be brave about new experiences. Many times I've stopped myself from doing something I wanted to do because I was afraid I wouldn't be good at it or people would think I had no business being there because I hadn't done it before or that I couldnt' talk with a new person or a teacher because I was afraid they wouldn't like me or they didn't care about me. But most of the time when I forced myself to do something--mainly becuase I had to because it was required--the experience was never as bad as I imagined it to be. In fact most of the time it was a lot better than I thought it would be and I was really glad I did it. I'd also tell myself that even if I only learned ONE thing from a class or a meeting with someone or a new experience, it was time well spent. Learning even only one new thing can be the basis for changing your whole life or giving it greater meaning.
I would study harder and be more active in school programs
I graduated High school in France. So for me, Going to college in the United States was a big dissicion in my live. The advice I would give myself, is to be yourself, don't mind what others say about you, because beeing different is what makes this country. Also I would say to myself to be well organized.
Western Connecticut State University is where you should of gone in the first place. You should of never went to John Jay College.
Go where you want to go no matter how hard it is to get the money together. Try as hard as you can to talk to financial aid if you need extra help.
It doesn't matter how much the school cost beacause its the education and life values you learn in the long run that matters the most. Take advantage of all your school has to offer from tutoring session to $5 trips to little plays to games between dormoritry halls,all these give you the full affect of a college experince.