Work harder, branch out and try to make real friends in college because sometimes people leave and you don't want to be a loner. Also don't date Carly, she's no good for you.
While in high school, I took mostly honors and AP classes. I would tell myself that I did not have to be pushed so hard. I needed to have more of a social life. I also worked my junior and senior year and missed out on a lot of events like prom. I would have ceased the opportunity while I had it. College makes you feel old and at the end you need to have your life together, and I still do not know exactly what I want to do. Life is truly a journey, and at some point I will find my calling.
If I could go back in time and tell myself what I know now about life in college I would tell myself to prepare for the best experience yet. Keep and open mind and be willing to step out of your comfort zone. There is a whole different world that is yet to be discovered, all you need is a positive attitude. College will test you and make you work like you never have before; but, as you begin your journey doors will open like never before and you will see that it is all worth it in the end.
I have been successful in my college endeavors thus far and as a result I would only remind myself that he should just relax, enjoy the experience and he will do fine. I would advise him to continue to remain faithful to his/my girlfriend as she is worth it despite the distance. The only warnings for my past self would be to make sure the first chemistry homework gets turned in and to be cautious during the first week's campus events as he could replicate my damaged ACL by a simple change in direction while running (though I am not sure he would listen). Lastly, I would leave him with a bike lock as ours is borrowed without permission from time to time, even without the seat. The last words he would hear would be the same as the first, "Just relax, enjoy the experience, and you will do fine."
I would tell my high school senior self to relax and enjoy my senior year. I was so stressed and worried about college I let my senior year slip right by. If I could go back and talk to myself, I would encourage myself to take personal time off from focusing on grades and college and just have "me time". I believe it is essential to have "me time" before going off to college just to have a better understanding of yourself before you are thrown into a completely different world where you become self-dependent.
If I could ever go back I would tell myself to take those AP and Pre-AP courses because they do actually help in college and that you will get ahead by taking them. I would tell myself to push harder in my school work instead of just doing the minimum to fly by. I would also tell myself that it is okay to be smart and to not hide it from others because of the fear of being called a "nerd". I would also tell myself that no matter how much I wanted to be independent back then I would regret it once my family left to go back home. I would then tell myself to be more involved in school clubs and organizations because that is how you make friends in the real world. I would then lastly tell myself to ALWAYS trust my gut in everything I do and to not ever second guess myself because doubting oneself is a horrible thing to do.
Learn how to study, because any process that helps you learn more will be the best. Also procastination is not good at all, having to pull an all nighter for late work is pointless. Get involved with your professors, let them know about you and be sure to be on their good side. Get involved with any organizations, you make great friends that way. If your having problems with anything ask for help with a professor, or an advisor, they are always willing to help.
I would tell myself to do what I had done, but be more confident in it. I would have enjoyed my early years of college more if I hadn't been so unsure about myself and afraid of the future. Even though I got a lot out of college, I could have gotten more in terms of friends and relationships if I had known I was doing what was right, because I really did need that time to find myself and what I'm passionate about. No amount of changing what classes I took would have helped me more, because in the process I discovered who I am not, not just who I am, leading to a different me. Time paradoxes aside, I wouldn't tell myself to change anything, except to be more confident in what I am about to do, and have fun.
If I could go back and talk to the senior me there would be a lot I would say. The first thing I would say is "I"m sorry, but you should of had better English teachers." Yes that seems odd to say but i thought i was phenomenal at writing, but in reality I was weak and i didn't know because my teachers handed me grades higher than a ninety. I ended up struggling my first semseter in college because I was taught was wrong. Second, learn to study. In high school all you had to do was memorize a worksheet for test. You need more than a review sheet to get by in college. Third, don't get "senior-itis" also known as the "i am a senior and my classes are pointless now so i might as well start my summer break now even though it is December-itis." So don't get sick! Stay focused! The last thing i would say is stay strong. Some things will be difficult, and might seem impossible to achieve. But struggle and pain is only temporary unless you quit. Everything will pay off when you accomplish your goals.
Knowing what I now, I would tell myself as a high school senior two things. I would first tell myself to take as many college credit courses as possible in high school. I would have saved a lot of money if I went that route. Another thing I would have told myself is focus on biology. I did not realize how much I loved biology until later in life. Knowing this in high school would have fast tracked me to finish college so much early than in the path I am currently on.