I did very will my senior year i would not change a thing, we were in trimesters and i recieved a 3.6 a 4.0 and a 3.8. if i could change something it would be to go back to my freshman and sophomore years and worked harder.
I am 25 years old. I remember as a child how much easier life was for my mother, even though there were seven children in the family. Experiencing life's transition from a child to an adult in this decade is really grounding to say the least. Employment opportunities are few and far between so therefore we have to be crafty and thrifty to succeed while in college. My advice.. attend a small college; maybe a community college with farely cheap prices. Make sure you do your research for these schools. Specifically the cost per credit hour, lab fees, and what other fees you will be charged for. Apply for financial aid once you decide on a school. If the school's prices is decent, you will have a nice remainder of money after the school takes its cut, to live with. you can pay a few bills, buy the kids something nice, invest, whatever you decide. Also study hard and apply yourself. There are many many rewards and scholarships availble for good grades. Network and make lifelong connections for you never know who you're meeting and what you can do for each other. My words of widom!
This is a major turning point in your life. Don't let anyone tell you that you can not accomplish anything you set your mind to doing. Dream big and go for that dream with the determination that you will make that dream come true. Be prepared to pay attention in class and take good notes. Sit in the front row so the teacher can see you. Be prepared to devote time to studying. Stay positive no matter what happens. The only way to fail is to not try.
Are you ready for greatness? if so, make sure you take an account of all you're being taught here at this level because you will need it entering college. You're going to be responsible for what you learn in college, so its going to be important for to stay focus and have a learning system that can help you excel in college. In college your teacher is their to provide you with all of the information needed for you to learn, but it's going to be up to you how you retain it. If you're looking at college as an escape from your parents or freedom to stay out and party, I advise you to stay home and get a job, because most freshman's who think this way end up flunking out of college because they saw themselves thriving on campus and didn't prepare how to thrive in class. Now that your're making the decision which college to attend make sure you're making the decision based on what you have to offer the school as a resposible individual that will enhance the school academically, socially, and professionally upon graduating.
Knowing what i know now about college life, I would go back and tell myself to work harder and get prepared for college early, meaning don't wait until you graduate to think about your future education. I would tell myself to study more so my transcripts would be good because this plays a big part in getting accepted at all colleges. I would also tell myself to take it upon yourself to look for scholarships, grants, and loans because if you dont nobody will do it for you, people may tell you what to do or may even try to help but you shouldn't depend on anybody but yourself.
If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing what i know bout college, the advice i would give myself would have to be, set goals for your future references as well as making the right decission on what exactly i would wanna major in as a career when finished with college. Once i decided on a program that i want to take in college, i would refer it to 1 or more people as a future thought incase they wanted to choose a different career opportunity in their life.
I would tell myself to do better in school and to have more than one skill . Honestly I have been very lucky, as a hard worker I was recommended for a job which I have been at for 16 years and for the most part make a decent living off of. Unfortunately my husband was hurt at work at a young age and we managed to do ok until I took a pay cut recently. I don't ever want to be in the position again of really only having one skill and not be marketable to other types of employers.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to have better time management, apply for more scholarships, and apply to more schools. There were so many scholarships that I missed because I did not know how to manage my time. As of now I am doing those scholarships that I missed. I may not receive none but when I apply I do have a chance than not appying at all. As far as colleges I had my mind set on one university. I did get accepted but I refused to take out a loan. Applying to more colleges or universities would have incresed my chances of coming across a shool where it could have been free to attend. However, If I could go back I would still go to a community college because I learned so much in a smaller college setting. My social skills are better and I've discovered more about myself. Coming out of high school I was very introverted and basically was not enjoying life, all I knew was chool. Now with better time management I can do more.
I would have told myself to pay attention and be present more so than I was. I would difinitely say pay attention on how to use computers and on how to take notes and ask questions. Not to spend so much time on being popular but instead focus on my studies. I would have enrolled in a daul- enrollment program so that I would have already had a sense of what college was going to be like. I would have listened to the encouaging words those professional speakers were telling me about. I wouldnt have been so naive on taking the four year scholarship at Wayne State all because I wanted to go away for school. I would have done more volunteer work and participation in high school.
I would give myself more time to study and to set my priorities right. Keep a strong, don't let anyone influence you into doing anything that u have never done before. Get into an activity it'll help you. Most of all, take most of your time doing homework, studying, even if you don't have any homework, get with a study group. It is better to have more than one brain working.