Wayland Baptist University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Wayland Baptist University know before they start?


Do not rely on your parents to help with college admissions. This is especially true if your parents did not attend a four year university, or any college at all. Do not bank on anything just working out because it always has in the past. As the first in my family to earn a Bachelor’s degree, I was left completely ignorant of how the college application process worked and even the timeline of when I had to start being concerned with it. Fortunately, I wound up joining the military and working through undergraduate while I took night classes. However, if I had not taken that route, I probably would not have made it through undergraduate, let alone attended college at all. Stop living passively and take control of your life. Seek out an academic counselor at your school. Talk to a friend’s parent who is helping your friend with the process. Find somebody who has been to college or knows how it works these days and ask them what to do. Listen to them. Your future is yours, and you are the only one responsible for it.


I am back in time and am a high school senior. The advice I would give myself is that I need to think more rationally about all the events that occurred during this time in my life. First, I would have taken more college prep courses that were being offered at the time, which were few. I would have stayed the course in my music and continued onto the college where I received an scholarship for voice. Study when I did not feel like studying instead of trying to drown my sorrows by hanging out with not the worst kids but not the best either. Stay in school no matter what it looks like now just graduate, one day at a time. Do not let anyone stop your dream of being the next Aretha Franklin. Go to Europe and study music like I have the choice to do. Hold my head up the sky has no limit and neither should I. To be strong the race is not won by the one who finishes first but by the one that learns how to endure until the end. I have only one High School experience and a life time of others.


The bell rings for 1st period, it's any other typical routine day of MY SENIOR year class of 2010! As I sit in government looking out of the window I begin to day dream about college, where would I be? how was I going to make friends? A blurred image of myself came near, I reassured myself not to worry about college and that I would be fine. I quickly emphasized that college is not like high school, not academically and certainly not socially either. In high school I was always one that could pull an easy B and certainly an A with little effort, going into college with this mentatlity was a HUGE mistake! A signed a letter of intent with Wayland Baptist University to play soccer and although I would make life long friends I would also make some decisions that would effect me for life as well. Between being an collegiate athlete to making a transitions to college and putting my social life before all I learned some HARD lessons that year. If i could know then what I know now I would CERTAINLY focus on academics. But I guess everthing happens for a reason...


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would talk to myself about how my world would be open by going to college and graduating. I will tell myself about the opportuinities the opportuinities which a college education can bring to me. I will have better a opinion as to what I want to do in life after graduating high school. My goals will be more clear and I will have a better understanding as to how I can reach my goal. I will talk to myself about how going to college after graduating from high school will make me better. I will be able to get a good job.


I would tell myself college is not all fun and games. Certain classes can be much harder than highschool ones and it is important to not get behind in either your homework or in the textbook readings because it can be difficult to catch up again. I would tell myself to schedule time to get homework done and try to stick to it. There are so many extra distractions that can take a person away from their work and it is important to "keep your eye on the prize" (to finish each course with the best grade you possibly could have.) It is important to always do your best as well.


To follow their own interest's and passion's in their educational/career field, college will be more enjoyable when it's something they want to do rather than an obligation. College is hard work but the benefits when done are important to your lifetime of goals and dreams and not to give up on yourself or your future.


My college experience has been valuable to me for many reasons. During my college attendance there is one message that has always been clearly conveyed. The message I have received is education is the building blocks for the rest of your life. I believe this with all my heart, which is why I plan to get my teaching degree. There are many people that have potential far beyond what is expected. Their education gave them the foundation to go on and impact the world in dynamic ways. I know this has been true for my life. College has given me the necessary pieces to solve an otherwise impossible puzzle. It is through classwork, social interaction and advice in real world situations that college prepares us for life after graduation. Education and learning is my passion and I want to reach my upmost potential by chasing my degree diligently. I see more to the education system than just working a steady job for the remainder of one’s life. Although, such things are vital aspects to existence, education also allows a person to step into who they really are and reach for the stars.


I have gotten out of my college experience the sense of accomplishment. I come from a family on females that did not or barely completed high school, much less attended college. Attending college helped me to understand my worth, my abilities, and an increase in self esteem. I am not able to be an example and a mentor to my daughter, neices, and their friends that it is possible, even at an older age.


My college expirence at Wayland Baptist University has been a great expirence. I feel that WBU has so much to offer, there are awesome teachers who really do care about you and your grades they are great listeners and some of them even have thier office doors open to you when you dont understand something in class. Attending WBU has been very valuable to me in that it has allowed me to be the first person in my family to attend college, it has also afforded me the oppurtunity to make lifelong freinds and is currently allowing me to live out my dream of becoming a nurse.


Its a very fun experience.