Washington State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


i wish i had known how to attract more girls, basically what every guy wishes he knew, also that i had taken more AP classes


I wish I would have known the most common age group. Although it is a commuter campus most of the students are just out of high school and it was definately a surprise .


I wish I knew that I was going to relocate to a tourist town because I would have chosen a different major.


I was unable to tour the school while making my decision on where to go. I would recommend everyone visit the campuses they are considering because it is gives you a better idea of what attending will be like. Visiting the dorm lets you know how much (or little) stuff to bring so that the room is not crowded. Not bringing too much is better than trying to get things sent back home, especially when home is five hours away.


I wish I had known more about different fees that are included in my tuition like recreation center fees and student union building fees.


I wish I would have known how much this place was going to change me - for the better! I would have paid more attention to basketball and other cougar sports while I was younger.


I wish I had known what my major was so that I would have a set goal to complete and I could specialize in my major sooner rather then take many classes that may be a waste later down the road. I would of liked to have researched the school some more before choosing mainly becasue I chose it on basis of location and of who I knew here.


I wish I had known how much most professors rely on their notes. I often find that professors will post their notes on to the internet, then when I come to class, they spend the whole lecture period reading the notes they posted. I often wonder why they lecture at all. My favorite professors are those that either don't post notes at all, or that post partial notes that need to be filled during lectures.


That it is ok to ask for help, and to be a little off schedule. It doesn't mean that I've failed, simply that everyone elses pace doesn't work for me.


That almost all of the students are caucasians. Very little racial diversity.