Washington and Lee University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Washington and Lee University?


Rich, southern, conservative, party animals, honest


"White and Loaded", girls with pearls drinking out of trashcans


Rich, stuck-up, preppy, hard-partyers, competitive.


Rich, white, and fratty.


Work Hard, Party harder. Preppy.


White, rich, preppy, Southern


The stereotype I hear most about Washington and Lee is that we're "White and Loaded," and that we are a very conservative university. The fraternity/sorority scene is very large, and so there is a stereotype of it's "only frat guys" and that if you are not in a fraternity, you're nothing.


People think that everyone at Washington and Lee is rich, white, and preppy. I know that one of the other big stereotypes about us is that we drink all the time.


It seems that the most common stereotypes about W and L are that it is a school for white preppy kids who are very smart but also like to have a good time. We are known as an academically challenging school, but it is no secret that there is a huge Greek scene on campus and most people will go out and get drunk on the weekends (and included in weekends are Monday and Wednesday nights).


rich, white, Southern