The most striking aspect of Washington and Lee is its strong honor system. The students here are simply expected to act like gentlemen or women, and are treated as if they are. Thus, we are allowed to take tests without a proctor in the room, and sometimes are even permitted to take the tests back to our dorm. In these cases, the University simply assumes that we are honorable enough to be trusted not to cheat. However, if any student is discovered breaking that trust, the only punishment is expulsion, as the standard fo trust does not allow for exceptions.
The tours are very misleading, and the administration is brilliant at covering up the many social gaffes that occur at Washington and Lee due to the extreme binge drinking problems. I am appalled that a university that is supposedly upheld by such a "superior honor system" acts only to protect its students from the realities of underage binge drinking.
W&L is a great school, and regardless of your major or your race you'll probably do well in life with a degree from this university. Your experience here will vary based on the fraternity/sorority you join or don't join. Also, students that fit the school's stereotype will have an easier time adjusting here than students who don't fit the stereotype.
The campus is definitely worth a visit in person, and try to stay overnight if you can pull it off. However, I didn't have the best impression my first visit, but it's only improved from there, especially once I started taking classes. Definitely consider it!
I absolutely love W&L. It is my favorite place on Earth and I would not trade my time here for anything. W&L has changed my life and I can't imagine where I would be without the influences and knowledge I have gained from my time here at Washington and Lee University.
W&L is a great school and I am definitely happy with my choice. That said, I highly recommend visiting and staying with a student for a night to make sure it's a good fit, because it's not a place for everyone.
Rep. Joe "you lie!" Wilson, W&L Class of 1969.
Pat Robertson, W&L Class of 1950.
W&L is on the upswing. Students are getting smarter, more dedicated and more diverse. The University has spent quite a bit of time and money making sure that everything a student will ever need is available. In combination with the amazing history, legacy and record of the University, I believe its the ability of the individual students that make this place amazing.
The school goes a great job of playing down the negatives, spinning them to positives and making it look like there's a lot of diversity on campus. There's not. Spend time here, talk to people and really try to figure out if you can live here for four full years. If you can deal with all the bad (or you thin the bad is good), you'll have the time of your life.
This is a school you'll either hate or become devoted to.