Warner Pacific College Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The people at my highschool, at the time, were not into drugs. The school was very focused on allowing students to gain college credit for classes.


The best thing about Warner Pacific College, is the fact that teachers here don't view you as a number. They view you as a student and they really want to see you accel in school. The small classroom sizes make the learning envoirnment comfortable and you learn so much more like that. The teachers also want to get to know you and don't mind meet up with you for coffee before class. They don't mind meeting up with you if you are struggling to understand something in class. That's the reason why Warner is the best.


The one thing I consider to be the best thing about my school at Warner Pacific is the encouragement to want to join together. Since there is not so much of a diversity of African-American males and females, it is greatly encouraged because every one is treated equally at the school. I have yet to have seen anyone treat eachother in a disrecpectful manner. Students and teachers rather encourage each other to perform at his or her best in class as well as out side of the class room.


I like the size of my school. The class sizes are very small therefore I feel very comfortable during class asking questions and participating fully. My major only has four other students currently and because of that I feel that I exceed in those classes.


The unique bond that all the students share. Everyone is extremely welcomig and helpful, and tries there best to maintain a healthy relationship with one another.


i best thing about this school are the people. The teaches and faculty have all demonstrated respect and courtesy for others. The students also are all typically open minded and non judegemental so as to bestow a greater and more enriched learning environment and exprience.


The campus is small, so it is hard not to get to know one another. The classes are just as small giving you time to get to know your teachers and actually form a relationship with them. Here at Warner we walso have an open door policy, the professors are there to help you and they will open their door to you when ever you need it. There is also great leadership on campus, and oppertunities to become part of the leadership, this gets you active and involved in campus life.


The best thing about my school is the professors, faculty, and staff. If it weren't for my advisor, I would not be going to school right now. If it weren't for my teachers, I would hate the fact that I am.


small class sizes and individual relationships with your professors