Wake Forest University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Social life at wake basically revolves around Greek Life and atheletics. If you aren't in a frat or sorority, you are really missing out of social connections and true friendships. Football players and Basketball players are by far the most recognized at Wake. As far as dorm life, I love it. Everyone on my hall is great, but i think i may have gotten lucky. I have never had a problem getting a shower, having privacy, or falling asleep. I personally leave my door open all the time when I am in the dorm because I love for people to stop by and chat, but mostly I am in lounges talking with other people and doing my work, because I do have a lot of it!


Students in dorms typically leave their dorms open. I leave on a 10 person hall and people are always yelling to each other and having conversations. It is very open where we are all living together. Dating...hmm...haha, there is not much casual dating. It is either friends or boyfriend/girlfriend. There is not too much "Do you want to grab dinner on Friday?" If there is, then there are huge expectations for the future attached. One of the greatest parts about WFU is you can always find someone to do anything with. If you want to watch a movie, you will find someone to do that with, if you want to go to an art gallery, you will find someone to do that with, if you want to get waster, you can find someone to do that with, if you want to go to the library to knock some work out, you can find someone to do that with.


Screamin Demons ~ I'm the treasurer of Theta Alpha Kappa - the religious honor society - its really laid back and relaxed. ~ No. ~ Athletic events are popular, the rest not as much. ~ The PIT gets old really fast, glad I don't have to go anymore. ~ Freshman Hall and Delta Zeta (Sorority). ~ No one dates really, those that do have really intense relationships. I am happy to say I met my fiance at Wake. ~ Rolling the quad. Lovefest. Hit the Bricks and other fundraisers. ~ Average 3 nights a week probably and then you have people at both exremes. ~ Veyr important. ~ Stayed in with my roomates and friends and drank wine and watched movies. ~ Rent a movie. ~ Starbucks, volunteer, Whole Foods, Borders/Barnes and Noble, go out to dinner, etc.


Baseball, football and volleyball are the most popular sports. If I'm awake at 2 a.m. on a Tuesday I'm watching a movie with my girlfriend.


The most popular groups on campus are fraternities and sororities. Greek life pretty much controls the party life and social scene on campus. People do choose to stay independent, but guys especially get a lot of grief for their choice. Last weekend, my sorority had date functions on Thursday and Friday night and on Saturday night I went to a fraternity party. That's a pretty typical night on Wake's campus--off campus fraternity parties. But there's always something to do on campus that doesn't involve drinking, like club and inter-mural sports teams, worship groups, and school-sponsored activities like Wake Frost, Wake n' Shake, Springfest, and Shag on the Mag. Sororities and fraternities also have philanthropic activities, like Tridelta's "Triple Play" and Delta Zeta's "Turtle Tug" that students get involved in. People go to athletic events, but guest speakers and theater events always get a poor showing, except by students who have to go for class. The dating scene at Wake is as close to non-existent as possible. Everyone always says, "Wake students don't date."


most popular: greek life, habitat, campus kitchens, club sports ie ultimate frisbee and crew. i'm involved with amnesty international, and they do a lot to raise awareness about human rights, environmental, and political issues in the world. students in freshman dorms tend to leave their doors open because they're more open and sociable in their halls than are upperclassmen. football and basketball are the biggest sports. we have great guest speakers that come to campus. our performing arts leaves a bit to be desired. the dating scene is largely greek; it's easy to date on campus because there's always something to do.. schoolwork can keep you really busy though. i met my closest friends on my freshman hallway, through church, or through phi mu. if i'm awake at 2am on a tuesday, i'm studying or finishing up a paper. we have love feast, the lighting of the quad, shag on the mag, wake n shake, springfest, and lots of other traditions. people party on wednesdays and on weekends. frats/sororities can be a fun thing to be a part of, but it's not necessary to be in one. a lot of people join some of the more popular frats/sororities because they are social climbers and will put up with a lot of superficial stuff. last weekend i spent a lot of time with my sorority and got initiated. i also spent time with my boyfriend. on a saturday night you can go to a movie, an art gallery, just hang out with friends, go out to dinner, go to greensboro to go to a club, etc. off campus, i go shopping or go on retreats with church or with friends. you can also go camping/hiking/etc.


Greek life, especially sororities, are a very large part of social life on campus. Also religious groups can be a big part of social groups. Most freshmen join Screamin' Demons, a group that supports Wake sports. Lots of people go to football games and basketball games and it's a great way to get involved and feel the Wake spirit. There is a major lack of a dating scene, although I don't know if its worse than most college campuses. There's definitely more a hookup culture, and then when people start dating it get really serious really quickly. If you're a partier, you can definitely party at least 4 nights a week. Wednesday is the big non-weekend night to go out but people also drink on Thursday nights a lot.


RUF (the reformed Presbyterian group) is huge. I am involved with WAKEradio, which I love. It is a small goup of students who sort of go against the flow of the school. I am also part of a new group called Students Pro Humanitate, which strives to promote policies of peace and looks out for Human Rights. We have also protested many of the proposed changes such as the forced eviction of facutly and staff from their apartments with little notice. I met most of my closest friends through either WAKEradio or being an English major or both. If you're awake at 2:00am on a Tuesday, you are studying. Greek life is huge, but I am not involved. Off campus, I work at a coffee shop down town. There are a number of good restaurants in Winston to go to, and we have a new movie theatre with discounted tickets for students. Mostly, when my friends and I go out, we go either to Greensboro to see an independent film that is not playing in Winston, or we go to Chapel Hill to see a concert. I went to Chapel Hill last weekend to see a show in fact. We get a lot of good music out there, but it is unfortunately about 90 minutes away by car.


Greek life is really big at Wake, and people hang out with their greek organization a TON! I'm in a sorority, Kappa Kappa Gamma. It depends, some people leave their doors open and others don't. Athletic events are kind of popular. It depends on if a team is doing particularly well or not. People at Wake do not date very much. People usually go out 3-4 nights a week.


The Greek scene is HUGE at Wake. If you are able to find a group outside of a sorority/fraternity, good for you, but good luck. The dating scene at Wake is just that, a dating scene. Not many people have random hookups, and if they do, they turn into regular hookups which leads to them dating.