Wake Forest University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Wake Forest University accurate?


Not entirely


A lot of students at Wake are well off, and there's not a lot of economic or racial diversity. But everyone gets along pretty well even if they don't fit the mold. Everyone here is really nice and laid-back, regardless of how much money they have. I don't know anyone who flaunts their wealth.


Athletics are strong and it is an expensive school that not many people can afford, but I still think that Wake is fairly diverse and has a lot to offer to anyone.


For the most part, yes. Although there is some cultural diversity on campus, the majority of students are wealthy and white. Most are conservative politically, although as always in a university environment the majority of students are reticent with their political views except for the extreme cases at either end of the political spectrum. Most students here are intelligent and truly involved in their courses, although I am occasionally shocked at the stupidity of some members of the student body. These represent the "hard working" students with the diligence and marks to get into the school but the intelligence of a rock. While there is a strong emphasis on greek life, one can find other opportunities to engage in social bonding, though this requires motivation and a willingness to steer oneself away from the cynicism of complaining incessantly.




For some people, but definitely not everyone.


yes - to a certain extent. It is true that a majority of people are preppy at Wake but there are quite a few people who aren't. Along with this, while students might appear preppy, they don't necessarily fit the role--a lot of them are good people.


More or less... yes.


To some extent; I feel like I am in a little bit of a bubble


I would say for the most part, this is rather true. However, there are a bunch of Northerners here; and they fit about the same profile. As I have spent more time at Wake I have found more and more people who do not fit this stereotype. So, they are here, you just have to look for them.