Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University?


I don't?


The food! The variety of food at Virginia Tech is amazing! From steak and lobster to burgers and fries!


Research, hands on learning opportunities and our rankings in football and as a top university in the US


We have the best football team in Virginia. Period.


Hokie spirit! Not only with things like football but the things I've learned, the friends I've made, and the experiences that have changed my life,


I mostly brag about how beautiful Virginia Tech's campus is in all seasons. When I first visited the school, I was the most impressed by how each building matched and the set up of the campus. I also tend to brag about how delicious our campus food is. Not only are there a varitey of dining halls, but each and every one has an endless amount of wonderful food. I always have my parents and any visitors eat on campus so that they can experience the beauty of our campus and can eat the great food as well.


My school's football team is amazing!


The size, the environment, and the wilderness.


I love Virginia Tech. I often brag about our school spirit, the amazing and lifelong relationships that I have built with a divese crowd of friends, and the academic prowess that we have in our finance program. I place a lot of emphasis on this prowess, as most people don't know that I am in competition with the best schools in the country career wise.


We have the best food in the country AND some of the best sporting teams, plus we have a great academic reputation. You can't beat that.