Even though college sounds like a carefree and fun environment away from your parents, it's easy to slack off and do poorly in college. Study hard and make sure you go prepared before class starts; read the materials so you will know what the professor is talking about and you will be able to follow easily. Having a social life is good too, but don't fall back on your studies. Remember that you are in college for one purpose and that is to find a great career in your future. Work hard and you'll be rewarded well.
Make sure you just enjoy the experience as much as possible and don't sweat the small stuff.
Stay focused. It is very easy to get distracted especially since you're moving to a big city, something you're not used to. Try to study a little bit from each class everyday, that way everything will stay fresh in your mind. There is a lot going on on campus and in the city itself so again, STAY FOCUSED! You're gonna learn real quick that VCU has a lot to offer, but get familiar with the environment and your classwork first. You want to make sure your priorities are in order before you join any groups, organizations, or possibly get caught up in the party life. I don't think you will, but it's just a work of advice. Also, be safe and aware of your surroundings. Don't go walking anywhere at night and if for some reason you have to, don't do it alone. If you're gonna walk the city at any time (especially at night), do so with at least 2 other people. It can get pretty dangerous in the city but don't be afraid, just be alert. Remember your family and to keep God first. You'll do fine.
If I could return to myself, and give myself advise, I would probably tell myself to save more money, and also to try take more ap classes to try to raise GPA, or maybe tell myself that I shouldnt be lazy about anything, because I will pay for it later, literally. I also think I would recomend to myself to not go with on campus living, and get an apartment, which would have helped me allot financially.
If I could go back in time; to when I was a high school senior, I would tell myself to not settle for C's. I was a slacker and it is not acceptable in a four year school. It is too difficult to catch up in college if you fall behind. I would also tell myself not to choose a college that was too close to home. I find myself getting lonely and homesick if im away for just a week. If i went to a school that was farther away, I would not have the option to go home whenever something went wrong. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, so im told, but living forty five minutes away from home, it's too easy to take a day trip to see my friends and family that miss and love with all my heart.
live life to the fullest.
Be prepare to participate in extra curricular activities like involving on campus services, voulnteering, leading a group, or may be get ready for impromptu speech on any subject.
I would tell myself to really reach for my goals and dreams. Don't let anybody or people tell me or influence me to be someone I'm not. I would also say don't look back and say "shoulda, woulda, coulda" or I wish I could have done this instead. Making mistakes is a part of being a human being. Even though we don't like it, we can always grow from them and help others who are experiencing the same. That is what seperates us from being a good person to a great person. Lastly, which is quite important to me, I would say don't ever hold back in anything I do! Live your life and enjoy every moment no matter what you go through. You never really know when tomorrow is going to be your last day or someone elses that is extremely close to you. Embrace yourself as a person. You can't go wrong knowing who you are deep down inside. Also and last, don't be afraid of change sometimes. Change can be a wonderul thing! Live, Love and Grow!
I would tell myself that things will change. I ended up changing majors because I thought I knew what I wanted to do with my life. After a year or so of college, I've picked a direction for my life. I have also changed my entire group of friends. I didn't know many people when I started college, but the ones that I did know ended up drifting away from me. After getting myself involved in on-campous religious group, I've made so many more friends and I would have never imagined myself in the position i am now.
Take more AP credits. Teachers in high school are much better teachers than in college.