Villanova University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Villanova University?


We're preppy, conservative, Catholic, and rich.


People tend to think that Villanova students are snobby and preppy. People call Villanova "Vanillanova" and "Villanofun". Some people have also told me that they think girls go to Villanova to meet a husband.


Villanova has a reputation of being full of rich white kids. To some extent, that's true, but I've seen a shift in the last three or so years that there are more and more "minority" students coming to Villanova- African Americans, Hispanics, Latinos, and International Students. People also always think about Basketball [and sometimes Track & Field!] when they hear Villanova. It's true, our sports programs are pretty awesome!


The first two things that come to mind are "Vanilla-Nova" and "Villa-no-fun".