University of Wyoming Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The opportunities available to students. No matter what you're interested in, there's a group or club for you.


The best thing is probably the friendliness


The people are friendly.


I've met a ton of new friends, and greately enjoy my social life. The best thing is that I am getting the education needed to complete the career that I really want.


The best thing about my school is that everyone is really open and friendly all the time. The staff here at the University are willing to help me with anything that I have a problem with. People are very supportive, and it's a really good environment for me to be in right now


I hear it has a good engineering preogram, of which I am not involved.


The teacher to student ratio, because in most classes you can go in and get help from your professors, and they arent constantley busy with other students.


Chris Fink shows us the story of a mascot turned soldier