University of Wyoming Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have had a better understanding of the cost to attend a four year college. I also had a limited idea of how hard it is to major in music at a four year college.


I wish I knew how different this would be compared to my past community college. In addition, I wish I had known how little most teachers care about their students as individuals. This was a huge shocker for me.




The career center at the University of Wyoming is useless. They will not help the students, but will only give them a brochure that gives no information.


Nothing really suprised me when I came to this school.




I wish I had been more reassured that I was making the right choice. I was very hesitant to go to the University of Wyoming because of my lack of knowledge about the school. I also thought that the weather would be alot worse than what it is and I also thought that bad weather would be much more frequent. Short blizzards in the winter time are bearable because they melt away fast. I also wish I had known that the school was really close to great cites like Ft. Collins, Boulder, and Denver and not just in the middleofnowhere.


I wish i would have know that drinking was such a priority over almost everything else. People care about little else.