University of Wisconsin-Superior Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Wisconsin-Superior know before they start?


Visit the campus you are interested in. Also, investigate the town/city you will be living in.


Make sure the school has a strong learning community within it instead of simply a group of individuals seeking higher education.


Find a school that seems to fit you. Have Fun!!!


Make sure you are basing your decision on how well you think you will accomplish at the campus and if the location and price are right for you and you only. Do not pick a college just because it is close to home or because you are being forced to go there by family, friends, etc. When you get to college just be yourself and not what others want you to be. If there is something you are interested in doing dont let others tell you if you should or should not go for it, you have to learn that on your own, no matter how long it takes to accomplish your goal or realize it just is not for you. Do what you think is right not what others think is right for you.


I would advise them to start saving for college early because a good education will cost a lot and I think a student has a better experiance if they do not have to obtain a job their first few years on campus. Finding the right college for me was simple. I knew what I wanted to do and Superior offered that program and I knew that I wanted a smaller more personal school. Finding the right college for yourself will depend on your personal preferances when it comes to location and size and career goals. Be open minded abpout everything you encounter. College is different then high school in many ways. I think the most significant way is that it is all based on how responsible you are. No one is here to call your parents if you skip a day but you better belive that you missed something very important on that day. YOu have to learn to take care of yourself and for some kids that adjustment is hard. Be friendly and responsible and you will have no problems.


Just be your self and try your best. Find a college that fits you ( not your parents). Follow your heart students and you will know what college is right for you. I think Superior is a really good place to start and the city is awesome!