Finding the right college that meets every one of your needs is important. During your selection process it is important to tour the campus and ask as many questions needed to find out if it is the right campus for you. Don't settle for any college that doesn't meet your criteria. As a student you apply for a college in retrospect all colleges are applying to be yours. That's why you need to get involved with your soon to be college and understand how the college works from food to Professors. The goal of college is to learn and come out with a degree, however, coming out with a degree is not enough. He or she must be knowledgable with that degree and choosing the right college is essential to learning.
Simply go with your feelings and know that you will end up where you are supposed to be in the end.
I would say choose the perfect college that suites your personality and of course the kind of programs they offered. If a school don't have program or courses you like then it is better to not enroll on that school. Community colleges offers a lot of courses but not as much as the University. As an Asian, I would like to advice for those who came in the U.S or just recently migrated, Community college would be the perfect fit for him. Because it is a starting point for them and they won't feel a bit of pressure. Also, it will be the first step to learn to adapt the culture and try to meet other people. College life is not easy yet it is a fun experience. You have to make a good choice everyday in life and be prepared on whatever crisis or problems you may have. And to achieve a joyous college life, try to choose the right people, just be yourself and don't let anyone bring you down.
The advice I will give my parents or students that haven't find a great college yet. I will said to them to come to UWP, because it's a great school that brings all the definitions of finding a great college. I will let them know how great they can grow as coming and attending to UWP, because they can get involved in any of the great and value programs they have at this college. Also I will add some of beauty telling them that if they want to feel respect and value from others they will find it here at my college, because there are three things that make me satisfied: keep my values, keep my head up for my career to be follow, and finlally get close to my friends, teachers and evryone that help me through to follow my dream.
Students should receive the permission from their parents, to choose the college that best fits their academic abilities, goals, and personality. If parents refuse to let their child select the college that best interests them, the student could have a negative impact on their education and social life. It is very important to give the students the freedom to choose the environment because it plays a huge factor that will keep them relaxed and focused. The parents should suggest and recommend their thoughts of where their child could attend college and even support their child's final decision. Students shouldn't make their college experience based only on their academics, but also make new friends by socializing and participating in campus events or sports. During my first year, I was taking care of my new born child, while my mother was sadly diagnosed with forth degree cancer. I still enrolled full time at Parkside and worked two jobs to provide for my family. I managed to have a wonderful experience, while successfully achieving Dean's List. As long as the student has the potential and determination to graduate college, they will succeed to pursue their goals and dreams in life.
To students seeking out further education at a college or university, I would definitely recommend being realistic in his or her choice of school. Many high school graduates immediately want to move far away to a large, expensive college with famous Greek associations or extracurricular groups. However, in my experience, those students return about a year later to a smaller, more personal university that focuses on you, the student. Clubs provide a great social network to get involved in volunteering and applying knowledge and interest, but they remain an added benefit to the undergraduate education. Academics and post-graduation plans should be tailored to the individual, but overly-competitive schools too often treat students like numbers rather than people. Another factor to consider is comfort. College becomes your home away from home where you should be able to study and learn in a calm, cooperative, open environment and speak to professors one-on-one. A change in scenery to a fast-paced city and an expensive school may initially seem intriguing but can easily distract the student from the move's original purpose: higher education and personal enrichment.
The right college is not about the college/university's credentials, it is about how you make your college career right for you. You make the decision. You make your future. Ofcourse, you also have to consider your preference on what a college/university can offer. But any college or university can be right for you only if you make the most out of it. College is a window of miles and miles of opportunities and this is the time that you're completely free to decide on what you think is best for you. Networking and knowing your sources are beneficial to your college success. Get to know your college professors and staff. Don't hesistate to ask them for advise or help. They are there for a reason. Organizations and clubs are great sources of campus awareness. Be involve in campus activities and step out from your box. It is about time to let people know your voice. Express yourself by being involved with these organizations. This opportunity will expand your horizons. Not only they are great assets in your resume, you will also exercise leadership, cultural awareness, and teamwork that will be beneficial towards your future career.
Get out there, and look around, see what's right for you... that's what it's all about. Speak up in class, make as many friends as possible, and just have fun furthering your education in hopes of a brighter future!
Look at loacation. It's the biggest part. Also look at the percent of students that are residence on campus vs. those who comute. Money is also always a factor.
Firstly, college is about the individual. Regardless of the cost, location, and professors, what you bring to college is what you will take away from it. It is true certain colleges may have better programs than others but the responsibility of the student to take from this program is a more prominent factor in what that student gains in college. Secondary to the individual student are career outreach programs, the self image of the school, and the fact schools are businesses.
Career centers and programs are vital. The responsibility of a college to aid the student post graduation is underestimated and skewed at some schools, and taking a closer look at this area is an import safeguard. The self image of the school is what the average student feels about the school as a collective. Some schools have student bodies that attend athletics and social programs, others have a terrible time of getting students to participate. This is a vital part of any social atmosphere of a college. Finally, cost does not relate to value in all cases and all colleges are business enterprises. Knowing they want to turn a profit is something the college student should never forget.