University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


I love the size of my school. It is big but it is small enough that I can still recognize people walking on the street. However, I still have the chance to meet new people in every class and social activities that the school provides.


~ The learning disability program Project Success.


Their are many things to do to get involved and to meet people. Their are clubs based on your major, your religion, your race, your political views, frats, sports, loving movies, .... pretty much everything.


The choice you have in majors. There are plenty of them and you can easily find something that you like.


The criminal justice progam is what I would believe is the best quality this school has to offer. Majority of graduates are able to find jobs in the state and out of the state. One of those students is a cousin of mine, who currently serves on the Atlanta police force. This program is nationally reconized and one of the best in the nation


The enviornment. Because in order to feel comfortable you need to feel welcome--that is exactly what this campus does.


The best thing about the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh is the diversity of people who attend it. There is always someone new to meet and get a different perspective on things. There are people here from all over the world. Most people on campus are also very friendly and willing to help others.


I think the best thing about UW-Oshkosh is its diversity. There are many groups and events that allow students to learn more and experiece other cultures. If a student was not intrested in making the commitment of joining a group. Students can go to the group meetings and enjoy the activites without properly joining. There are also annocements all over campus for certain activities put on by the group.


The friendly atmosphare.


It is pretty affordable and offered me good financial aid.