University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Top Questions

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The University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee has a great tutoring program. The tutors and the teachers' assistants are willing to work with students to satisfy the students' needs. They are willing to take extra time for the students to be comfortable with their knowledge as they prepare for tests and labs. The best thing about the school is that it has a fantastic group called Campus Crusades for Christ which is a Christian group that has lots of friends praying for everyone and their problems. The group is so supportive with the spiritual walk through life also.


UW-Milwaukee is located on the east side of Milwaukee in the middle of the luxurious lake shore drive area. Unlike many other schools, Milwaukee is strongly related to its local residents. This is due in part to its location, and UW-Milwaukee's history. The enrolle number is high and the campus size is small, which is to my liking. There is a diverse group of students, many of which are goal oriented, like myself. The numerous majors are specialized, making it competitive, as well as aiding in the work ethic of the students.


Our school is located in a residential area. We are close to down town. It wasn't a far move for me.


the urban element. it was always a deciding factor.


I think the social aspect of this school is great. You meet a lot of really great people and it really is a great experience. It's a nice atmosphere and people make things exciting.


Its location and size is nice.


Professors who are the best in the business. Both large and small classes, allowing for variety.


The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is a diverse campus with plenty of resources available to all students. For example, we have a first year learning center on campus to give information to the incoming freshman, and to ease them into the college experience. We have other things like a tutoring center to help students with any subject they may struggle with by placing them with a student expert in that area. Also, most of the teachers are compassionate and helpful with assignments and deadlines.


the lakefront location.


UW-Milwaukee has an awesome honors style business program. I have been able to meet many downtown milwaukee business's to start making connections.