University of Wisconsin-Madison Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of Wisconsin-Madison?


I brag about how pretty the campus truly is. Even in weather with a negative wind chill, I can still love being here and walking around campus.


I mostly brag and tell them how much fun I have all the time and that I love it here. Basically, it feels like am supposed to be here. The campus is so diverse you can fit right in.


The interesting cultural classes that I'm enrolled in, example African Storyteller. The social events hosted at school buildings that feature sororities or fraternaties of minority groups that involve dancing. They tend to be fun and bring minority students together. I came from a majority white community so it was a new and exhilirating experience to attend UW-Madison and have a multi-cultural campus to be involved in, even though they are still the minority at Wisconsin. I enjoy being a part of the different social groups and attending the events. It is very educating.