One thing that is frustrating is that I was raised on a farm in a conservative household and was raised differently that many people who attend this college. I am an avid hunter and generally get wierd looks when I wear something with camoflauge. Don't get me wrong, there are a handful of people that are similar to me here and I do have friends with different views it is just hard to feel normal in the large scale setting compared to most of the student population.
Scheduling is the most frustrating. They accept too many and do not have the room for everyone in the classrooms. Labs fill up fast, and small lectures as well. You have to email many professors and deans to try and get into a class.
The online schooling website has been on and off the past year. There have constantly been problems with the site being extremely slow or just completely down. It is sometimes hard to get on the site and this can get very frustrating since more and more work is being done at the school's site.
The most frustrating thing about is school, isn't anything specifically dealing with the school. It is the adjusts that me as a person need to make in order to becoming a better student. I have finally gotten ahold of all the homework and exams, and I am really seeing the difference between High School and College.
The most frustrating thing about LAX is the choice of meal plans. A freshman's only two choices are the 14 meals/week plan and the 19/week plan. The 19 plan is only $20 dollars more than the 14 plan for the whole year, so most people go for the 19 just because it makes sense. However, most people don't use near 19 meals a week, and there is no option for freshman that is less expensive. I feel like I'm wasting a lot of money on my meal plan.
The most frustrating thing that I've encountered thus far would have to be registering for classes. Very rarely as a freshman do you get your first choice of classses which is very frustrating, escpecially when you need certain classes for pre-reqs for others. You just have to be patient, and be open for adjustments to your original plan.
The University of La Crosse is a very challenging school, you have to put a lot of time and effort into your school work. Students have to make a commitment to school before anything else on campus.
I would say the most frustrating thing about my school is the dining options. There are alot of options but there isn't much of a variety all the time. For being at a school for four months at a time, it gets a bit old eating alot of the same stuff all the time.
The most frustraiting thing about UW-L is all of the drunk people that tend to wander around campus. I don't care if someone wants to go out and get drunk, just do start screaming outside of my dorm window!
The University of Wisconsin La Crosse has exceeded all of my expectations and I have not been frustrating by anything while attending this school.