University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would havea gotten a general overview of the material. I wish I would have known about this school earlier. I wish I would have taken care of all my school loans before coming here.


It is very secular and there are many different viewpoints other than your own as far as religous and political views. Often times professors will rant about a political or religious issue they feel very strongly about can be close-minded to other opinions. Also, there is no such thing as "an easy class" and each one requires a substantial amount of reading, completion of assignments, working on projects, and general studying outside of class time.


How bad the hill really was.


I wish I knew how to manage my time well at college. I know I have done real well with my studies previous years, but knowing what class to focus on more was challenging. My anatomy class took a lot of time, but I did not want to forget about my other classes.


I wish that I had known that you can start earlier with applications for scholarships. I applied for alot my senior year, but I think that if i had started earliuer than i would have had more sucess.


That financial aid is difficult to understand.


Before I have arrived to this school, I wished I knew how to prepare myself for education. I wasn't scared about being alone but I was scared of what I had to dealt academically.


It is okay not to know what you want to do with your life. Your freshman year just focus on taking generals.


I wish that before transfering to UW-Eau Claire I knew that my accounting credits I took at UW Oshkosh would transfer over to the Eau Claire system. I looked over all my electives and other classes but I assumed my accounting credits would transfer to another school within the same system.


The major I wanted to go into