University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire know before they start?


Hello there high-school version of myself! Are you ready for college? I do not think so! What are you doing taking only two AP classes? Those are free! Take some more, college credits are expensive. And make sure you save those enormously helpful note packets from high school, they do not just hand them out anymore. I know you are not used to studying just for fun, but you better start getting used to it! For every hour of class you have, study two hours outside of it. Buckle down and stay away from extensive partying, if you can avoid it completely, DO IT. Get used to sharing a room; it is not as easy as you remember from when you were little. College is full of freedom, but more importantly responsibility. Go to class, and get there on time. Classes and tests are hard enough already, you need to stay on your professor’s good side! Show up, be prepared, and participate. Get noticed by your professors, they can be awesome references! College is hard but can be a ton of fun. It will probably be one of the most rewarding things you will do!


I would advise myself to start working earlier to earn more money for college. Also, I would have taken more college classes in high school to have more credits. Otherwise, I think I did pretty well in high school to prepare myself.


When I first came to college I was shy and timid. Now looking back I would tell myself to talk to every one, be outgoing, and to just be myself. In college, people care less about what you wear and how you look. They get to know the "real" you, and I think that is excellent. I would tell myself to try new things, even if they make me uncomfortable because you won't enjoy college and life unless you put yourself out there and step out of your comfort zone. I would advise myself to do these few things,live it up and enjoy college because it goes by fast.


This is a touch question because I would give myself so much advice. As I look back, I wished I had came to school knowing what I wanted to do and how to approach my goal. I came to school thinking what I knew what I wanted to do but that was the not the goal that I headed towards. I'm quite disappointed because I have set myself back a few semesters with the extra classes I took that I didn't need. Now, I know better and that would be the best advice I can myself when I was a high school. Therefore, it would have saved me some time and money.


I would tell me self to take my studies more seriously. I was immature leaving high school and partied all the time and skipped class so my grades as a freshman were not as good as they could have been. I have been getting great grades since then and I am still brought down by my freshman grades.


Visit many colleges so you know what type and which location will fit you best.


Dear High School Me, College won’t be easy. It’s a lot more work than high school. It will take a while to figure out what you really want to major in. Before you sign up for classes, find out who the good professors are from upperclassmen, and use! You don’t like biology as much as you thought and should start off going for nursing because it’s a tough program to get into and is going to take you some extra semesters to graduate. Living with your parents doesn’t work. Find your own place. It’s much easier to concentrate away from home and on your own time schedule. Having roommates is awesome and they will keep you from getting bored. It’s also nice to always have someone to walk to class with. Study hard and don’t procrastinate! Once you figure things out college will get better. College Me


Dear High School Me, Make mistakes. Make LOTS of mistakes. You don't have to be perfect to succeed in life, nor is it even possible. So stop trying to be perfect and let yourself live a little. Go out and make mistakes, for that is how you learn. Through your mistakes you will discover who you are and who your true friends are. You'll discover how you can achieve what you want out of life in your own way. No elderly advice or self-help book will teach you better about living your life than making mistakes. So get off the futon, set aside the bowl of ramen, and go have some fun without worrying about the correct way of doing things. Go out and make mistakes. You'll thank me.


If I could back in time, I would tell myself not to worry about my reputation, but worry about my character. The difference between character and repuataion, is reputation is how others view you, and character is what you are really made up of inside. Being popular, dressing to impress, and saying things to get attention are all things I did in high school, and not really part of who I am. I didn't want to dress in polos and expensive jeans, but rather school spirit tshirts and shorts. I was always trying to make people like me for accomplishments I didn't exactally do, making me very fake. I wish I would have listened to my heart, and why not take crazy chances for things that I wanted to do! I really wanted to be friends with the popular kids, but they were not always nice and I felt like I was being fake just so they liked me. I should have made better friends that


Really think about your future. What are you really interested in? What are your goals in life? What are you really passionate about? What would love to learn about as much as you really can? Where do you see yourself in 4 years? In 10years? If you've worked part time jobs, like a lot of high school kids. Did you enjoy it? Now imagine, if you never went to college, what kind of jobs would you be qualified for? Would you be happy working in those kinds of jobs? Can you make a decent living out of them? Would you have benefits, such as health insurance, dental, vacation, sick time, life insurance, retirement? Did you know that your peers who have a college degree, will make aproximately $500,000 more in their lifetimes than those who who do not have a degree? They even have more career stability than you would, with out a college degree. Would'nt you rather work harder with your mind, than with your body? Certain jobs, very hard manual labor jobs, are ok, until your body gives out-which it will, as you get older. Now REALLY think about that, and apply yourself!