The worst thing about the school is the inability to use the wellness center weightroom for free. Students are paying lots of money to go here and there is no reason they should have to buy a membership just to use the wellness center for lifting weights and wanting to stay in shape.
The only thing that is bad about this school is the parking. The parking passes cost quite a bit of money and if you live off campus and do not have a parking pass it is hard to finding parking, or parking is far away from campus.
After mulling over the academic and social programs at UW Eau Claire, I struggle to complain about such a vibrant and intelligent atmosphere; I'm embarrassed to state the worst thing about UW Eau Claire, is the way it looks. Fully aware that one should never judge a book by its cover, it is still difficult to look past the large and lifeless buildings that seems to sleepily lumber over the campus. Many of the buildings inspire little desire to discover the incredible academic wealth and intelligent people that lay within..
I have not yet attended, so I am not a reliable source for this question.
The worst thing about the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire is the winter. The winter season is brutal, but it is also so beautiful. To accomodate with the brutal season, there is a bus the takes students to and from upper and lower campus so they don't have to face the hill. Although the winter season is horrid, classes are rarely ever cancelled but students always try to make the best out of a snowstorm. For example, a campus wide snowball fight or snowman building. These things make it worth enduring those few months of the frozen tundra.
The city is too small and the hill that we have to hike up is awful!!
It can be very difficult to get into classes that you need on time. Some classes only run once a year, interfere with schedules or fill up before you get a chance to register. Departments often do not have the funding to provide enough seats or sections of a class.
The worst thing about my school is the closed-off attitude many students have. While the campus is certainly welcoming, many students prefer to keep to themselves, which makes it harder for a newer student to find new friends. Fortunately, there are hundreds of student-run organizations that one can find people with similar interests.
I'd prefer if our school wasn't as income-based as it is. There have been a lot of expensive additions to the campus which are purposed to draw more students, and more money. These additions come with a large cost to students in their tuition payments and other financial obligations. Nonetheless, I am very blessed to be recieving such practically useful education for the price I have been.
The worst thing about UWEC is that to get food, we have to walk outside no matter how cold it is.