The best thing about U. V. A. is its history. It is a plethora of events, achievements, and academic wonderment. Created by Thomas Jefferson, the school lies amongst the mountains of Charlottesville, Virginia, once home to Jefferson himself, James Madison and James Monroe. "The Lawn", an area situated in the center of campus, was Jefferson's idea of a central meeting place . I would like to believe that Jeffereson created U.V.A. to be an institution that operates democratically, by the people and for the people. Students do not just "attend" U.V.A., they are U.V.A.
I learned a lot about myself. I realized the restrictions I need to put on my life in order for me to succeed academically.
When considering the University of Virginia, many people are hesitant about the size of the school. Actually, the school's size allows so many great communities to form. Additionally, you'll find that the communities you decide to be a part of overlapp and intermingle. Soon you find yourself thinking "UVA isn't so big after all!"
The best thing about the University of Virginia is the Honor System. This system was instated when the University was founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1819, and still today students uphold this high standard of excellence. During the convocation ceremony, all students sign an Honor System contract that states that we will not lie, cheat, or steal. It can be trusted that everyone does their own work, and if you leave something in the library for over an hour, it will still be there, untouched, when you return. Professors give more freedom to students too, since we're so trustworthy.
The education is high-quality and the coursework is serious so that when we get into the real world, our degree will be taken seriously. Along with the honor code, the education at UVa makes for many opportunities after graduation.
I have incredible access to educational and academic resources, including a superb teaching staff. Despite the large class sizes, I am learning an incredible wealth of information.
The best thing about my school is the enviroment. It provides a great learning environment with high learning standards. Teahcers and you peers push you to be your best, making you achieve things you never imaginied. Also everything is student run, therefore, students take a lot of responsibility and accountability for their actions. This is nice because not only are they pushing you to get good grades, they are pushing you to be the best person you can be. Along with the great students, the teachers also want you to succeed. It is an all around great school.
I think the best thing about the University of Virginia is its homely appeal. People always talk about how beautiful of a school it is and how its classic look is timeless. I love that, but I like the school even on the rainy days where it might not look as good on the outside, but the inside is filled with students and professors who are glad to be there. We emphasize a solid well rounded foundation and that is apparent when you step inside the halls. On the rainy days you appreciate the insides a little more.
The best thing about my school is that it is such a prestigious school where there is a beautiful campus and many beautiful girls.
Seriously, there is a lot of beautiful girls that attend this school and the thing is, they are all very smart.
The campus is as beautiful as the girls are. Its size is not huge but not small either. I'd say it is a perfectly adequate size to explore and a size that you can easily get accustomed to at the same time. People know how to have fun here and they study very hard!