I can't just pick one thing that is the best about my school. It has all the perks of a big school but also has all the perks of a small school because its right in the middle sized school. It has tons of extrcurectular activities, and always something going on, even in all seasons. Everyone at the shool is so friendly and the school is beautiful.
The diverse amount of majors. We have a school of agricultural sciences, health sciences, business, community studies, and arts & sciences. You can find everything from Classics to Neuroscience here.
Campus life. There are always new people to meet. Everyone is so friendly.
everything. I love everything about UVM. This school is where I found myself. I became comfortable with who I am here, found the friends who I know I will have for the rest of my life and have been the happiest I've ever been. I love the option of going to the backcountry here and the opportunity to spend time outside.
There are a lot of good things about UVM but I suppose the best thing would be the student / professor interactions. It's not a small university but most class sizes are small enough that you really get to know your professor. I was on a first name basis with a lot of my professors and they really knew me and who I was. You are not just a number or another face in the crowd at UVM. I consider this a valuable reason to attent UVM.
Besides the learning enviournment, the school attempts to make every individual comfortable. Unfortunally, I battled with a vicious eating dissorder during high school and college food is not known to be healthy. Even though this is not a major aspect of the school it is important to me. The school has a unique food system with different meal plans allowing me to construct one for my needs. There are blocks (traditional cafiteria) and points. Points allow a student to get freshly prepared food. I knew exactly what was in my food. I felt comfortable with this hard transition.
Location is certainly the best aspect of UVM, with close proximity to mountains and Lake Champlain. The area is beautiful and Burlington is a fun town.
The best thing about UVM is the courses. I have loved every class that I have taken and I've had some pretty great professors. UVM has a multitude of majors and minors, which means a ton of courses to choose from. Everyone is guarenteed to find courses that fit their interests. Also, college courses are not as hard as one might expect. I have found most of my college courses to be easier than my High School classes.
The best thing about UVM is the relaxed nature of the students. You don't feel pressured to act in a certain way and there are plenty of options for weekend activities that don't involve drinking.
The best part of UVM are the people here. Everyone is so nice and helpful in the beginning. I have met friends that I will keep for a lifetime.