That you need to be able to go with out sleep for days. When you first start college it isn't all about a new life and get to party and live it up. You will have extremly challenging classes that require alot of time and attention. Along with that you need to find a place to study ASAP and join study groups because they will MAJORLY help you excell in the class. It is extremely helpful if you meet with the teacher the first week of class to go over the topics that the class will cover, how the class works ( such as how the teacher grades quizes and papers) and any tips the teacher can give you to excell in the class.
Do well in school. You are paying a lot of money to get an education that will help you create a better more fulfilling life for yourself. You will gain the knowledge to put towards a career that will help you succed through life. :) Don't let it go to waste and throw away what will be some of the best years of your life.
I would encourage and make myself ready for more and more hard work and sleepless nights. Besides studies, i would have provoked myself to take part in inter-mural competitions and sports or gymnastic activities. I would have enjoy my life even more, cause college life is very hectic. College life is a mixture of social and academic happenings. Don't tip the balance too far in either direction. The faster you learn your way around campus -- and around all the red tape -- the more at ease you'll feel and the better prepared you'll be when issues arise. You will have to earn good grades in college -- and that means setting some goals for yourself and then making sure you work as hard as you can to achieve them.It may have been easy in high school to wait until the last minute to complete an assignment and still get a good grade, but that kind of stuff will not work for you in college. Give yourself deadlines -- and stick to them.
My best advise would be to enjoy the college experience and have fun in school. There is plenty of time to work and make money AFTER you have your degree. The small sacrafices you make financially to get through college in your twenties will put you that much further ahead when you graduate.
Do more AP Courses
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior nine years ago, I would tell myself to do exactly what I did. However, I would highly encourage myself to open a college savings account! I ended up working for nine years straight out of high school. I only wish I had saved more money to pay for furthering my education. I knew I wanted to go to college eventually, but I wanted to make sure I had a secure knowledge of what I wanted to major in. If only I had made a secure financial plan, I wouldn't have to be working two jobs while I'm attending school full-time.
STAY IN SCHOOL! Don't ditch because you think you can pull through in the end. Procrastination is NOT an art, it's a distraction. Your friends will stick around, but don't waste your own future trying to please them. Go to class and absorb every bit of information you can, because later in life all you will want to do is learn. Save your money, manage your time, and make sure you have all your ducks in a row before making any major decisions. Do all those things, and 'we' will be fine in life.
Plan!!! Plans always change at least a little bit, but having a plan from the start gives you direction, helps you accomplish your ultimate goals, and helps you know early whether or not you enjoy what you have set out to do. Planning helps you figure out what you like and what you want to do a lot sooner, so it helps you avoid a lot of inconveniences such as transferring schools and having to take extra classes. Besides planning potential majors and career ambitions, decide how long you want to take to graduate and then what it will take to do that. Plan out which classes you will take each semester of college, then jump right into courses you will need for your major. You'll find that a lot of the classes you have to take for prerequisites or your major will also count toward general education. When you are graduating and those around you are still plugging through semesters and trying to figure out what they are passionate about, you will be so glad you took a little time to create a plan. Don't waste your time and money, spend them doing things you enjoy. Plan!
Do more research into what the college teaches, SPECIFICALLY. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Look at places that you never thought of, you may miss out on something better. Most importantly: Don't settle for something less than you want- College is expensive and there is no point in doing something other than what you want to do, you'll get more out of it if it is what you want to be doing, and where you want to be doing it. Living out of your parent's house will be the greatest life lesson you will learn-doing it while in college is the perfect time, if you can afford it.
I never thought the day would come where these words would be uttered from my mouth, but if I could go back to my high school self I would have to tell myself to listen to my parents. As hard as I tried to defy their decades of knowledge they, to my surprise, were right about alot of things. Many classes and struggles could have easily been avoided had their advice had been taken to heart 3 years earlier. To save my somewhat bruised ego I took the lessons learned to heart and have since began to listen, though they will never know that. I believe we all must learn from our mistakes and in that there is nothing I regret, I just simply wish I continued to feel as if I knew all the world had to offer. Alas, I am slowly seeing the paperback book that is my own in an Earth sized library of knowledge.