University of Utah Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of Utah?


The computer science teachers rock, but I've never had another teacher as good.


That I am a graduate of this institution. and our sports teams rock... and our facilities are amazing and high tech


Great football team. Great Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department.


awesome science and research department


I brag that I am almost done.


The quality of research, per dollar recieve the University of Utah produces more research than any other USA University. The many professors in my area recieved Doctrates from the high accliamed schools, MIT, Berkley, Illinois, etc.


The social aspects and the respectability of the business program. Also the convenience of the location being close to the city as well as the ski resortsd and mountains.


The Honors Program is rigorous but I have learned a lot so far. There is also a great service and volunteering center called the Bennion Center that does many service projects every year.