University of the West Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of the West know before they start?

Linda Leilani

Hello Linda! Long time no see. I would say finish school. Take out loans, do whatever you need to do to finish. I ran into financial difficulties that why I stopped. Keep going no matter what. A degree is so important these days. I was a theatre major. I performed on Broadway in New York but I should have gone back to school right after I finished the broadway show and completed my degree in a more desireble field. I'm studying business administration now. I guess it's never too late. I'm proud of myself even at 53 to pick up and continue on. Life is what you make it. Even when you are older you don't stop living. Staying aggressive and motivated is what it's about. I'm goin to pick off right where I left off in college and finish now, no matter how much time has gone by. You live until you die. But LIVE while you're here. Be present. Do things. Finish school. Be all that you can be. What's the alternative? Thank you God for directing me to go back to school. Much love and gratitude. Linda