I am a hardworking student athlete that prepared myself as best I could for college. I don’t really have any advice to give me.
If I could go back and talk to myself when is was a senior in high school, i would only say a couple things. First, I would say this year is just as important as all the other ones, so work even harder then you already do and study more then you already have. Second would be about managing your time. Don't get caught up in all your friends and extra activites outside of the classroom. There is a time and place for fun, but just to remind you school comes first. Finally, the last thing i would tell myself is enjoy yourself and dont stress out. You are a good kid and you will do very well if you follow the path you are on right now. Don't give up and stay determine to be the first one in your immediate family to gradatue from college.
The most important advice I think I would give would be to avoid sitting in your room all day, but to go out and do things. Get involved on campus, go see things off campus. There are so many more things readily available once you become part of a college, especially being on campus, and it's the best way to not only get to know other people and begin to learn what the real world is, but it's how you get to know yourself, and that leads to understanding how you may want to change and what you may want to do with your life, how you seek to impact the world. Never stop questioning or being curious, speak your mind but respectfully, and focus on living, enjoying every moment and learning from every experience, because it's often the experience outside of the classroom that really affects our lives.
Take any and every chance you get with applying for scholarships. It's better paying a few dollars than a few thousand. quit procrastinating! Do not go ebay happy when you turn 18. It'll make a small, but heartshattering dent in your pocket. Read more books! Get more involved in extracurricular activities! Nostalgia/sadness won't hit you at the end of high school, but it will at the start of college so hold your head up high and keep strutting.
freshman 15 does not effect you, in fact you'll lose weight.
Quit worrying to much! You are ready no matter what anyone says.
Go and do your thing.
I feel like I was prepared for college. I was ready for the experience, the work, the lack of sleep, and the independance. Having said that, there are some things that I would have found useful in my first semester. First, I wish someone would have told me to work harder in high school. I am naturally gifted and have skated by on intellect alone--until college. If I would have learned to take good notes and study hard, I may have had more time for other things during first semester. Also, I wish someone would have told me to apply for more scholarships. Going from living off my parents to living on my own has been expensive. I'm in love with my school, but it is very expensive and I'm not quite sure I was ready to take loas so soon. Finally, I wish I would have known to enjoy the last bit of high school. I was ready to leave the nest, but my hastiness cost me some valuable high school experiences. I don't regret my high school experience, but I wishsomeone had told me these things before I made the adjustment to college life.
Being that my father and mother have passed away in my life, I would explain to myself to go to college and not to wait. I believe if I would have gone to college after high school my life would be a lot different than it is right now. I would have better goals and time management and get support system and mentor. Goals are very important in your high school and college years. I would make sure to make a step by step plan of how I would achieve my goals and then work out a time management schedule. Have great family and a mentor would also help. Having positive people to sit down and help you figure out your goals and what you would like to do helps a lot. I’m starting my second semester at Sierra College and the teachers I would like to thank for helping me realizing I was able to make it is Beth Ervin and Susan Lucyga.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to talk to as many counselers, students, staff members, etc.. as possible at the colleges I was looking at. This helps get a sense of what campus life is like and it also gives you a good sense of what the school is like. The main thing I would tell myself, however, would be to apply for as many scholarships as possible. Spending time looking for, and applying for, scholarships may seem time consuming and pointless but in the long run it will pay off. Any scholarhsip, whether that be $500 or $5000, helps enormously and is definetly worth the effort of applying. I would also tell myself to be open to new things and new people. Having an open mind really helps you get the most out of your college experience and may even open new doors for you somewhere along the line. Having an open mind also helps with the transition. And lastly, I would tell myself to enjoy college! It really is a great time in your life!
1. Know what you want to pick & be sure about. (Of course in my case it even helps if you have religion. How or why? You can talk to GOD about it, wait on him, and he'll definitely tell you what's the best way to cary out that plan & more importantly, WHAT THE PLAN IS.) 2. Expect tough times & consequences. 3. Watch out for wh oyou hang out with and be sure that they're a good person that you could call a "friend". 4. If you want to do something that you know you've decided on, follow that dream & succeed. (THAT IS NO MATTER what LIFE THROWS AT YOU!) 5. And last but not least, when you come out of college with all your training & education, simply ask yourself one question that'll make you think a while: Was this choice I made worth it? Because importantly, if you ask yourself that question & are sure of the answer you have, then you'll be at least 95{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} that life on down the road will look good, straight, wide, & not bumpy.
It is imperative that I focus on my future goals more and not not take time for granted. I would use my time more wisely and take college tours more seriously. If I knew what I know now, I would apply for colleges and for scholarship early. I now know the importance of listening to those who have went the process before.
I would tell myself to work harder in class to prepare myself for college. I don't believe my high school experience prepared me well enough for the college courses in an actual college. I would also tell myself to be friendly and open minded because everyone is in the same position as you coming into a new school.