I would tell parents and/or students to look closely at finacial aid. In the end you will have to pay it back if you take out loans. Make sure you will be set up to do that one day. Don't take more then you need, and make sure you don't change schools too many times. Look closely at what you want in a school. Do you want an education or a social life? Think long and hard, but remember study hard and have fun.
The most important thing to remember when choosing a college is that it will not be anything like high school. Some of the major distinguishing factors include living without your family, classes at strange hours, and generally going about your day without supervision. There are some really wonderful things about college, like classmates who are actually interested in the class material, and an immense lack of drama, but there is a great deal of responsibility that goes with this that some students find hard to adapt to, especially after being used to having their days heavily scheduled with extracurricular activities. Many get lightheaded from all the freedom and party or skip classes so often that they flunk out and have to return home.
To avoid this, it is important to realize that you are the one responsible for getting to class on time, for cleaning your dorm room, for knowing when to turn down a party when you have a big exam the next morning. Yes you can go out and party or stay up as late as you want, but remember how that is going to affect your academic performance. You did come here to learn, after all.
Take time to find the right school to finish an degree, do not go to a school because of how they party.
There is a great deal of advice to give parents of newly-enrolled college students, and indeed the students themselves as well. The first piece of advice is that unless university housing is truly horrible, that students should try to live on campus; it will benefit them academically, financially, emotionally and is quite simply convenient. Another piece of advice that I would have appreciated, it that your major will not determine your life, often students come to college so convinced of their career paths, that they fail to take classes that interest them and that will help to build them not only as a future employee but also as an individual. Finally, I would encourage all new college students to get involved on their campus, that fastest way to fight homesickness and boredom is to be involved in everything from clubs to honor societies to Greek life.
I would give parents and/or students advice on finding the right college and making the most of his or her college experience. I would tell them to make sure your first college is the one for you. I would advise them too look at the size. If you went to a small highschool you will probably feel more comfort in a small college; however, if you went to a large highschool you probaly will feel more comfort in larger setting. Also, make life long friends but choose them wisley. Remember in the end you will be a college graduate, and no one ever looks at how many parties you went to during your college experience.
Take the time to make the right decision for yourselves. Study and try to have the right knowledge to make the decision you will need to make for your future. Stay true to yourself and do right in life.
My advice to students and parents is to visit colleges before deciding to attend somewhere. If you have any anxieties about a college then do not go there. Go where you feel most comfortable and try to make the most of your college experience. Always go to class is my most important advisement. Try to get involved on campus and get to know your professors. Professors can be your worst enemy but they can also be your best friend.
Finding the right college isn't easy. The most important thing to remember is that college is for you. You shouldnt let your parents choose what you do for the rest of your life, even if that means being removed from your family. The college you choose will be the one that guides you to what will do "when you grow up". With that being said, chose the college that fits you. Research and go to the different campuses to familiarize yourself with the atmosphere. If you love it, then you are in the right direction to finding the right one.
Most students need to figure out a college that is the right distance from home. Not too far, but not too close. I usually see the people who are struggling with thier first year of college chose to come here, when home is aver 200 miles away. Also choose a college that seems like it has the right atmosphere. A college that is medium sized is perfect!
For those you searching for a college to go to, make sure you do extensive research on everything the school has to offer for whatever it is you want to major in. Although using the internet is good and taking other people word about the school, I feel its best if you take a visit to the school and there is where you'll learn all you need to know in your orentation.