University of Southern California Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Southern California.


USC is a very open campus in regards to race, religion and sexual preference. A student who did not take any sort of initiative to participate in any kinds of extracurricular activities at USC would probably feel a little out of place. Students wear casual clothing. Nothing unusual. Lots of USC apparel. All sorts of students interact with each other. Athletes, Asians, African-Americans, Greeks (fraternities and sororities) All over the place. There are many international and local Southern California kids, though. Most students at USC are on scholarships or some sort of financial aid. Repaying massive loans is a common joke on campus. Many students at USC are politically aware. There is a good number that are politically active. I'm predominantly left. Students don't talk too much about how much they'll earn one day, but the general understanding is that with a degree from USC they'll be earning a solid amount in the future.


USC has over 500 student organizations- all of those topics mentioned have groups on campus. And if we are missing something you are interested in then make it yourself- it's easy and funding is readily available. I would say a student whose only focus is schoolwork would feel extremely left out here. Also one that is not open minded in respect to diversity and willing to explore the great city that USC is located in. It depends on the time of year. During midterm season there are a lot more sweatpants and pajamas. When its warm there are lots of cute dresses and tops worn by the girls- but its definitely more of a free, simple style. Not many people wear abercrombie and other brands that label you. The style on campus varies drastically because there are so many different types of people that attend USC- but fashion is definitely a means of expression. Many USC students are from California but all 50 states are represented at the school as well as many foreign countries. USC is one of the top schools in percentage of international students. Just to give you an idea of where I know people from- I'm from Pennsylvania, I have friends from Wisconsin, Minnesota, Oregon, Washington, Texas, Maryland, Florida, Ohio, Idaho, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Kansas, Montana, Malaysia, Tawian, Trindad and Tobago, and Australia- just to name a few.


There are a lot of special interest groups on campus so that few are unrepresented. I think non-party-going people would feel out of place. The social scene is so dominated by alcohol that you'd feel awkward if that's not your thing. Student attire is very casual and often involves flip flops and USC paraphernalia. Different student types do interact and often in classes, especially if discussion is allowed. Four types: normal group of friends, students involved with building government, Greeks and party-goers, and socially awkward/weird/smart students. Mostly from Southern California, Northern California, and Texas in that order. I think upper middle class is very well represented. Students are politically apathetic. Those who speak out are usually left. A lot of students are very chiefly concerned with their future income.