University of South Carolina-Columbia Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of South Carolina-Columbia?


The most frustrating thing about the University of South Carolina is the lack of adequate parking. It is a large campus in the middle of downtown Columbia and this makes parking extremely difficult.


Sometimes signing up for classes can be difficult.


The most frustrating thing about my college, University of South Carolina- Columbia, is the lack of drive that most students. Most are pre-occupied with partying and drinking alchool, while the person who prefers studies is often ostracized. The average person is not intrested in furthering thier education, but is rather more intrested in socail life. The point of college first and foremost is to get an education and sadly some students do not recongize that.


If the school were in another city it would be better. Columbia is a nice city to visit but it is not a good place to live.


The most frustrating thing about this school is now expensive textbooks are in the universities book stores. They are almost double the prices that they would be online. It's always a great deal when I can find the book online for so much cheaper. Most of the books are usually online to buy or rent except the ones that are specified for my school.


The large freshman classes make housing difficult and scheduling classes when you want is dificult as well.




The most frustrating thing about my school is that there is a lottery system for the football games. It is annoying when you pay tuition to go to the school and are not able to attend all the school events. Usually, upperclassman get the first choice as far as athletic events go and also chosing classes for the following semester. It can be frustrating at times, but once you get use to it everything is not so bad.


As with most large universities, students can easily find themselves 'spoiled for choice' when looking for activities/sports/etc. This can sometimes be overwhelming to someone fresh out of high school and unacoustomed to the relative freedom provided by a university lifestyle. The danger here is that the student may, being thus overloaded with information, retreat from the source of the confusion and as a result be less involved than they otherwise would have.


USC is a great school. I can't think of anything major that frustrates me about the school. Little things come to mind like sometimes the internet service will be down, but that happens.