Many freshman classes can have over 200 students, which can be intimidating at first glance. However, if you take the effort to sit near the front and participate, the professors will learn your name by the end of the semester. Most professors are easily accessible for office hours or just chatting after class. They genuinely want you to succeed!
I am a member of USC's Honors College, which has unique opportunities for unusual courses, like learning about RNA and Disease Treatment, or the History of Hip Hop. Honors courses are also smaller in size, which helps you even more in getting to know your professors. The best honors course I have taken so far is a course on Irish literature. The professor was extremely passionate about the subject, which definitely makes the course material more interesting.
I love the vast selection of majors available to students here. One of my majors is European Studies, in which students can choose a specific focus relating to Europe. I have chosen to focus on European history, and I love that my major is so flexible in allowing me to pursue my passion. I personally prefer this major over a general History major because I can focus on European history, which is my real interest. There are many unique programs and majors like that across campus, making it feasible for students to learn what they want to learn.
Classes at the university for the first two years of college are normally large in size, but their is always time set aside for every student to visit their professor if they are having problems learning the material in the classroom. Most professors have a graduate assistant who works with the professor to assist students in the class with learning. USC offers a variety of programs to help students achieve academic success. The university offers free tutoring, learning centers, and comfortable study environments. Academics is very important to USC, and the university sets aside days when they offer free massages, food, and prizes to help prepare students for exams. College academics is nothing compared to high school academics, but there is no need to fear, because professors will help build bridges and fill in gaps to help every student succeed. The best advice that I received my first year at USC from my professor was, "If you are struggling in a class get help. I'm here for you and USC offers numerous resources for every student to be successful, so their is no reason for any student to fail my course."
classes are not bad. i defintiely didnt crack a book last semester in my bio class and still aced the MC section of the final. (didnt do so good ont eh essay but it averaged out)
people dont really talk about classes except to cpmplain abot them.
My professors know my name cause I want them to know my name.
Students are pretty consistent with study.
I have not taken it but there is a class specifically examining superbowl commercials.
Public Relations. J-School was good but need to revamp to compete. Very good broadcast track.
Might catch a professor drinking in a bar.
The professors in the Chemical Engineering department are great. They are very helpful and do whatever they can to make sure you understand the material. You can drop in their office anytime and get the help you need. Not only do they care about how you do in the class, most of them will take the time just to talk to you. Dr. Gatzke is my favorite professor, he invites his classes to his house and brings in brownies/cookies for us. Other great standouts are Dr. Van Brunt, Dr. Williams and Dr. Stanford.
the university is making a big effort to attract the best students with scholarships, and undergraduate opportunities not found at other colleges
if you make an effort to get to know professors in big lecture classes they will get to know you, and they will be impressed by the effort. in small classes, they can't help but know you
favorite class: religion and existentialism
least favorite class: organic chemistry II
some people study a lot, some people don't
class participation is high for such a large school
there are intellectuals, and they have the intellectual conversations. because it's such a big school there are all types of people. and you can always find somewhere to fit in. and an advantage of that, over smaller preppy schools, is that it gives students a greater chance to grow by meeting all kinds of people and learning to get along with them whether they like them or not
students are extremely competitive in the pre-med and pre-pharmacy tracts
education at SC is geared toward developing a whole person who is the best prepared for a career or graduate school that they could possibly be, and they make sure you have a lot of fun along the way