University of Rhode Island Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at University of Rhode Island accurate?


There is a large amount from both of these places so yes


In many cases yes.


as with anything, some people live up to the stereotype but some definitely don't. you will absolutely find accurate stereotypes of these people but other people will prove to be different from what you would have thought




Unfortunately, yes. If you're looking for a school in which students take their academics seriously this is not it. Professors are useless for the most part and many academic departments on campus are on probation.


Absolutely, you can't take two steps on this campus without seeing a slightly chubby jersey chick wearing uggs, spandex pants, and a tank top three sizes too small for her.


not all of them mayb 1 or 2


yes uri is a party school, and you can drink just as much now that it is dry


For a portion of the student body, this stereotype is accurate. However, there are students at URI who perform as well as some of the best in the nation, and you can easily find peers with whom to compete and learn.


I don't know, not from what i know of the school, but i'm a chemical enigineer, locked in my room most of the time doing HW.