University of Puget Sound Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Campus offers a wide range of different activities and groups to get involved with. Athletics is a large part of many students's lives, the Greek scene is big and there are a ton of clubs and extra-curricular activities for any and all. In addition to the numerous organizations you can get involved in, there are numerous events taking place on campus all the time. There are musical performances, guest speakers, and visiting professors stopping by often. Last year Macklemore and Ryan Lewis did a show, Carlos Fuentes was here and gave a talk, there is a student Lu'Au show every spring and a choreographed dance performance (RDG) every semester. There is certainly a prevalent party scene that many students chose to partake in, but there are many options for those students who wish to forego alcohol and dancing as well. There are movie nights on campus, weekend events in the SUB, sports games to check out and students can head up to Seattle or Vancouver to get away quite easily. This school has something for everyone socially and your experience will be whatever you wish to make it!


My perspective as a student very involved in the Greek community is that the most popular student groups on campus are club sports, Puget Sound Outdoors, Greek Life, and Orientation leadership. Orientation is a huge deal at Puget Sound and for a good reason, it has been rated one of the best available in terms of college orientation programs and I can still remember distinctly how much of an impact my orientation made to make me feel at ease and excited to be a part of the Puget Sound community for the next 4 years. The orientation leaders are extremely passionate about their involvement, whether they are facilitating the Perspectives or Passages segments.


My perspective as a student very involved in the Greek community is that the most popular student groups on campus are club sports, Puget Sound Outdoors, Greek Life, and Orientation leadership. Orientation is a huge deal at Puget Sound and for a good reason, it has been rated one of the best available in terms of college orientation programs and I can still remember distinctly how much of an impact my orientation made to make me feel at ease and excited to be a part of the Puget Sound community for the next 4 years. The orientation leaders are extremely passionate about their involvement, whether they are facilitating the Perspectives or Passages segments. The majority of my closest friends are Greek, because of the fact that I live in a Greek house and many of the scheduled activities are with other Greek houses, so it's just easy to make connections with those people. However, several of my best friends are aren't in a house; there is no major separation between Greeks and non-Greeks. I would have to say that the relationship between Greeks and non-Greeks could be improved, but the rift is nothing compared to how it is at major state schools. Joining the Greek system I can confidently say is the best thing I could have ever decided to do at University of Puget Sound, I have learned invaluable leadership skills, met incredible, passionate, smart women through my sorority and have access to mentoring in academics and other areas because of my affiliation. Though each experience is different, in my experience I am very grateful that the Greek system here is much more laid back than at large state schools and though some do choose to take part in the partying/drinking scene, it is entirely acceptable to forego that entirely and instead, focus on the experiences of friendship and leadership that I consider myself so lucky to have found. In terms of the social scene outside of the Greek system, there are some house parties but freshmen are usually shunned, so I would say the partying scene isn't necessarily the most exciting, but once you're 21 there are some great bars on 6th Ave and Seattle is only a short 40 minute drive away, where you can always find something to do.


Like most other colleges, we have quite an array of clubs and activities available. About a quarter of students are involved in Greek Life, and students that aren't involved in Greek life tend to ignore it altogether, creating a bit of a rift in the campus community. I'm captain of the Ultimate Frisbee team this year, and other clubs sports like soccer, rugby and lacrosse are also super popular. I'm also a DJ on the campus radio station, KUPS, which won the MTV College Radio Station of the Year award a couple years ago and is super well-organized and well-run. It seems like every week there's a bunch of lectures and concerts or performances and they're generally really well attended. I'm not really into athletic events, but soccer games are pretty popular since our teams are good. On the weekends there's campus films for $1 and people like to go to the Cellar for pizza. The party scene on campus is kind of lame and consists mostly of off-campus house parties. Freshmen can have a really hard time finding parties to go to, and a lot of seniors prefer the bars around campus to parties.


There are so many clubs and organizations on campus that there is no way I could name all of them. Athletics are very popular, both varsity sports, club sports, and intrammural sports. Greek life is popular as well. There are 4 sororities and 3 fraternities on campus. Themed housing is pretty cool as well; people can make up any theme for their house on Theme Row and get it approved. There are lots of religious groups, departmental clubs, music groups, and more. There is something for everyone!


There are so many clubs and organizations on campus that there is no way I could name all of them. Athletics are very popular, both varsity sports, club sports, and intrammural sports. Greek life is popular as well. There are 4 sororities and 3 fraternities on campus. Themed housing is pretty cool as well; people can make up any theme for their house on Theme Row and get it approved. There are lots of religious groups, departmental clubs, music groups, and more. There is something for everyone!