University of Phoenix-Phoenix Campus Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Phoenix-Phoenix Campus?


I currently haven't found anything frustrating about UofP. I'm a new student, and thus far, everyone has been very welcoming and the website has been user friendly.


I wish there was more of a community feel on campus. It feels like there are no activities students can participate in to facilitate bonding or growth as friends. We attend class, participate (mostly individually) in class discussion, are sometimes on learning teams... but there are no clubs or groups for socializing and bonding through the college experience.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the new online classroom. I am adjusting to the new layout but I am still getting cofused where things are located.


Internet acces is to slow sometimes but still useful.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that there are learning teams assignments and that my individual grade is affected by other students work.


All courses require learning team activities (homework) in addition to individual. Many teammates do not put forth much effort, which makes it difficult to attain and retain a great GPA.




The most frustrating thing about my school is having to receive the majority of my information online. I like the idea of class interaction with my instructors. Using online class information sometimes limit how often I can have a face-to-face conversation with him or her.


Working wiht the mandatory study groups adds another class session per week to the scheudle, which I was unprepared for. Also, since you work in study groups, I found that the team inevitably carried one person who just didn't exert the same effort as the rest of the team.


There is not anything that is frustrating about school. Everthing is going smooth. I am really loving it.