The kind of person that should attend the UOPH Online is someone who is good at computers, who has no problems working on there own. Someone who is a hard worker, and knows how to manage his or her own time, Someone who happens to be task orienated.
A person should only attend the online campus of university of phoenix if the individual is self motivated and determined.
I believe the type of person that should attend this school is a person who has to provide for themselves while in college and has to work full time while attending. This college may not be for a person who is being provided for while attending school, because they would be able to have more time and spend more time with their classmates and instructors at another institution.
The adult professional who desires flexibility and needs to attend college in an online environment due to work and family commitments.
Any individual seeking to further his or her education to improve both personal and professional lives. This university seeks to accomodate all students to ensure scheduling and academic progress meet individual needs.
I believe that a person that is well disciplined and organized should attend the University of Phoenix because it takes lots of time and dedication to do so. A dedicated person should take grasp of themselves and figure out what they want and then attend the University of Phoenix.
The student attending any online classes needs to be very disciplined., self motivating, and not easily discouraged. The student must be able to complete each task on time without someone reminding them that there is a project due and the date it is due. The online classes are not for everyone and if the person needs constant reminding of each assignment then the online classes are not for them.
Any person looking to complete a college degree can attend the University of Phoenix. A person looking to improve themselves in the work force would be excellent at the University of Phoenix.
The kind of person who should attend my school should be someone who is serious about their education most importantly however; I think that anyone can attend this school. If you are a go getter, hard worker, someone who says "I can" and " I will", I believe will fall right into place at the University of Phoenix. Anyone who is positive and has a positive outlook on life as well as their future shold attend my school.
I think that anyone who wants to obtain a higher education that fits into their schedule should attend this school.