University of Phoenix-Online Campus Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of Phoenix-Online Campus?


The school is very easy for me to take a class since I work full time.


When I'm telling my friends about my school, I find myself bragging about my instructors. While being a 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} online student can have the disadvantage of feeling disconnected from your teachers and fellow students, the UoP Online instructors have been nothing short of amazing. They are highly interactive and genuinely care about mine and my peer's success. If it weren't for them, I'm not sure I would be able to maintain motivation to stick with my classes even when they become challenging.


The online schedule is very easy to work with, and fit into my daily life with work, and family requirements. Without the University of Phoenix and their flexibile hours I would not have been able to go back to school to finish my degree


I would have to say I like the flexibility of the school overall and brag to my friends about how easy it is to attend school online rather than in an actual classroom.


I tell my friends that I do online schooling and I can take my school where ever I want to go and that the University of Phoenix is one of the biggest online schools in the United States of America.


I like how flexible my school schedule is, because of the fact that I am online. I like that I am able to take my work with me anywhere I go, and I like being able to go at my own pace if needed. I have been able to make my degree program go by faster by going straight through any breaks that traditional colleges would have. I am glad that there are so many scholarships to apply for. I just hope that I start recieving some scholarship awards to help me with furthering my education.


I don't brag im just happy that im attending school.


How easy it is to go to college and still have the ability to work. Since I go to college online it allows me to take care of my family and get the college degree I want so bad. Now I can further my education without any worries about my financial situation at home.


That I'm in the military and recieve free schooling while also getting paid to work. However now I brag that I've gotten so far before they cut the free schooling.


My school is accessible anytime. If I am wide awake at three AM and wish to start on next weeks assignment I will. I always have the ability to send my professor an Email and never worry about forgetting about a question I have. Additionally, I can submit my work on my schedule so I can keep a full work week at 30 plus hours.