University of Phoenix-Online Campus Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Phoenix-Online Campus.


In every class I have attended I would have to say the best word to describe my classmates would be diversified.


My classmates are very mostly working men and women that go to school online because that is the little bit of time that they have left.


My classmate seem to be teamplayer. We work together and give each other positive feedback. We interact about positive thing and help each other find research. Sometime we have to write a paper together. I like the way we communicate and complete our work in a timely maner.


My classmates are a well diversified student body that is eager to learn more information as they proceed with their college education and careers.


I get to become aquainted with classmates trhough posting feedbacks. They are very supportive and provid constructive critisism.


All were on line and sometimes verbal fights occured with all the group work that we had to do.


All my classmates have been very open in communication and have worked well with me. I love working in the gourp scenario that University of Pheonix sets up for me and my classmates. I have also been able to carry on in more than one class working with the same people and it hase been very enjoyable. I feel that all my classmates are just as excited and striving for education just as I am. This has been better for me than in class schooling.


friendly, supportive and respectuful during classes, always willing to help and share ideas.


We all work together to understand the questions being asked, give opions to eachothers post which farthers our understanding by having multiple views of the same topic.


University of Phoenix online students are very helpful and eager to learn and help with other students and are not afraid to ask questions from the students or professors.