University of Oregon Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at University of Oregon accurate?


Yes indeed.


Unfortunately, yes.


Not really but we have accepted an award regarding building a "green" business school.


No. UO is so big that you have many different students attending the school. UO is about as diverse as any other college.


Nope, but more people are hippies here than most places I've been, and a lot of us are politically active.


For the most part, no. We have just as many Abercrombie, football loving, Coors drinking kids as the next big university...perhaps too many. OSU overflow I guess...


answered above


Mostly. We do have a lot of hippies and the city is very eco-friendly, but there are also a lot of people from diverse backgrounds. There are also a lot more people from California than I thought there would be. We are slowly moving away from the ?dirty hippie? stereotype more towards an environmentally friendly growing city. There are tons of outdoor activities when it's not raining and everyone loves getting involved. It?s a nice mix. I keep my political views to myself though, unless you're a democrat, you probably shouldn't speak up too much if you don't want to debate. I am also told that the summers here are very nice, but I'm always back in California and have never experienced this rumor.


Though I personally don't own a single item of tie-dyed clothing and am a Reagan Republican, and have never smoked marijuana, I would say that yes- for the most part, those stereotypes are dead on.


Hippies? Well the school is definitely a bit more liberal, but I am a right wing, gun-slinging Coloradoan, and I fit in just fine. The girls really are ok, and it's funny, because when the rain stops, it seems like the babes emerge from hiding. They come with the sun! :) It does rain, however, the worst part is winter break, and everyone goes home anyway, so you miss the worst of it.