When searching for the right college, first, you should look at their list of majors. Check and make sure that college has a program for what you want to do. Next, you should look at the various extra-curricular activities that you might be interested in being involved with. Also, the job oppurtunities, on and off campus. The size of the different classrooms is also a big thing. The student wants professors that are willing to help and encourage participation. While in college, make the most of your experience by being social and attending study groups- they help you make friends and learn your material at the same time! Definately obey curfew and parking rules. Paying citations is not fun at all. After all the studying and following rules, don't forget to have fun. These are the best years of your life, remember!
They should not worry about what kind of campus their children are going to. What matter is the school has to should have the a staff good at teaching whatever the major the child going to take.
Choose the colloge that will help you choose your major because if you go to the wrong school that does not have your major then you will have wasted time and money coming there. Also to be sure that you do your resaerch on the school you choose because it may be too expense for you to pay for. Remember it is your choice on where you go to college at do not let your parents or guardians chose your destiny.
I don't know that I really have any advice because I grew up wanting to go to the University of Oklahoma. I live near it and my family have always been OU fans so it's been my dream since childhood. It's just where I always thought I'd go to school when I finished high school and now I'm here! I guess, just apply to all the schools you're interested in and see what money offers you get!
Mostly the choice is up to the student, the parent does not always have the same needs as their child and would choose a different school. The student should write down what they think is important about a school. Once they have a list of everything they are looking for, rank the list in order of importance to you personally. After you rank your priorties go look and see what each individual school has to offer and how closely it matches up to your criteria. If a student cannot reach an opnion after that they should talk to someone who they trust and will give unbias advice for them. Follow your instinct and do not give up on your goals and dreams. Anything is possible do not let anyone tell you you can't do it or its not right for you. No one knows you better than yourself.
Get involved as soon as possible. It makes a huge difference in your overall college experience.
Find out about their scholarships and academic status.
when your looking for a college look for one that will chalenge your mind and your way of thought. Your future is more important that the present. but its also important to have fun now!
I would definitely tell parents to become as active as possible in the college experience with their children. Not only the social aspect of college but the financial side as well. A lot of times, students feel pressured and are overwhelmed with the amount of work that finding the right college requires. Parents should actively help their children find scholarships and financial aid options that will be suitable for them. I had to do this on my own which made things very difficult. And for the students, once you get to college, please don't take the time there for granted. Learn as much as you can because college is the preparation for the real world and you won't always be allowed to rely on your parents. Have enough self respect to take interest in yourself and your abilities and do your best to be as prepared in providing as good a life for yourself as possible. Build relationships with people in both the working and social environments and I guarantee that you will succeed.
As I imagine my senior year of high school and the college selection process, I can imagine the conversations between my parents and myself regarding price, location and qualities of colleges. If I could go back in time, I would tell my parents three things. First, I would remind them that I will be living in the town and attending the school. It sounds simple, but parents need to understand the child's decision should count. Second, I would tell them to get involved. As much as I would have protested, my parents' opinions really did matter to me. Finally, I would remind them that in-depth information is easy to find. With college comparison websites, as well as the schools' offical websites, all the information needed is available on the Internet.
As for myself as a prospective student, I would remind myself of one word: relax! The process seems so daunting, but there are many resources to help. Students should take advantage of their high school's resources as well as information available online. Finally, I think it's important to remind the student to get excited. There's nothing like getting that acceptance letter!