University of Notre Dame Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have known the amount of drinking that occurred on weekends.


Before coming here, I would have liked to been exposed more to the concept of undergraduate research. Upon arriving and as a biology major, the importance of getting into research was constantly mentioned, but I wasn't familiar with how research worked, what research was being referred to, or how to get involved. Additionally, I wish I had known more of the history of the school and the many traditions that exist here, as Notre Dame is incredibly rich in both categories.


you need to get involved right away


The food is incredible and there is great tradition here that cannot be surpassed by any other school in the nation.



I wish I had known what a phenomenal experience I would have at Notre Dame, diminishing any doubts I may have had about attending the University. The classes and academic schedule is difficult and challenging, but so rewarding in so many ways. My experience with the staff members has been extraordinary, getting to know most of them on a one to one basis. Additionally, each and every student I have come in contact with have been by far the greatest and most well rounded group of people I have ever met.


Just how awesome it was.


Some classes are far away and having a bike comes in handy.


One of the things I wish I had known before coming to Notre Dame is proper time management. In high school, time management was important but generally, one can still accomplish what he or she needs to do before the end of the day, with significant time lapses. In college, however, time management is key to being successful. Between balancing classes, homework, study periods, personal care, meals, exercise, dorm care and sleep, a schedule needs to be written down daily and completed without procrastination.


I wish I had known that it snows so much. It also would have been nice to know that you pretty much need a 3.0 GPA to have any opportunities, so don't slack off freshman year.